- From: Phillip Lord <phillip.lord@newcastle.ac.uk>
- Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 18:16:20 +0100
- To: Marijke Keet <keet@inf.unibz.it>
- Cc: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
Sorry for the delay in replying -- been busy! I can see your point that the design pattern gets more complex when you move to 3 or 4 n-ary relationships. It would be good to have a representation of for n-ary's which is also represented in the logic as opposed to layered on top. Phil >>>>> "MK" == Marijke Keet <keet@inf.unibz.it> writes: MK> This my be relatively easy to decide upon if the third one is a MK> datatype (then the situation is comparable to an attribute of an MK> association in e.g. UML), but with three DL-concepts, let alone MK> 4 or more
Received on Monday, 21 May 2007 17:16:52 UTC