FinalCFP: ASP2007 - 4th International Workshop on Answer Set Programming

(Apologies for multiple copies)

                          *********   CALL FOR PAPERS *********
                 *************** Deadline June 30, 2007 ****************

                         ******** DEADLINE APPROACHING! ******

*** NEW! ***

*** Invited Speaker: ***
Mirek Truszczynski, Univ. of Kentucky

*** NEW! ***

*** Post-Proceedings as special issue of the  Journal of Logic and  
Computation ***

*** Please notice: authors who need a (very limited) extension to  
submit their paper
                    should submit on time a title page and an  
abstract, and should inform
                    the Co-chairs about the delay


              4th International Workshop on Answer Set Programming
                                         Co-located with the
            International Conference on Logic Programming ICLP 2007
                                  September 8 and 13, 2007
                                           Porto, Portugal


*** Overview ***

Answer Set Programming is by now a well-established paradigm of
declarative programming. While close in syntax to prolog-like
logic programming, its semantics is based on a program having a number
of answer sets, that represent possible consistent "views"
on the "world" defined by the program itself.
Answer Set Programming can be seen under several points of view:
as a knowledge representation language strongly related to non- 
monotonic reasoning,
as a programming language suitable to many application domains
where incomplete/uncertain information may occur,
as an underlying formalism for many extensions tailored to
specific application domains.
An increasingly important application area is that
of databases and data integration systems,
where the need of constructing and managing
a unified view of data originating from different heterogeneous
and possibly  distributed sources calls for increased flexibility in
managing inconsistency.

*** Topics: ***
All with focus on Answer Set Programming, among which:
     * foundations
     * extensions
     * ASP-based programming languages
     * reasoning about action and change
     * causal reasoning
     * reasoning with uncertain knowledge
     * planning, diagnosis, learning
     * representation of and reasoning about complex systems
     * deductive databases
     * data integration systems
     * ASP and agents
     * specification and verification of formal properties
     * implementations and benchmarks
     * tools and methodologies for ASP-programming
     * (innovative) application domains


*** Submissions ***

We invite submissions of 2 kinds:

1. Submissions of high quality, original papers,
which are not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.
Papers  should be written in English, formatted according to
the Springer Verlag LNCS style, which can be obtained from,
and not exceed 15 pages
including figures, references, etc.
Each paper should include some examples illustrating the proposed  

2. Submissions of system descriptions, to be presented at the  
workshop as demos.
In this category papers should be written in English, formatted  
according to the
Springer Verlag LNCS style, which can be obtained from, and not exceed 5 pages
including figures, references, etc.
Each paper should describe a working system illustrating its  
objectives and the
implementation techniques.
Working systems possibly include solvers, solver components and  
and application-oriented systems that employ Answer Set Programming
for some of their functions.

Submissions should be sent by E-mail to the Workshop Co-chairs.
The message should indicate paper Title, Authors and Abstract,
with the .pdf version of the paper in attachment.
Email: and


*** Important Dates ***

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2007

Notification: July 30, 2007

Camera Ready Copy Due: August 10, 2007

ASP'07 : September 8 and September 13, 2007


*** Proceedings ***

A printed volume of the proceedings will be available at the workshop.
A selection of extended workshop papers will be published on a  
special issue
of the Journal of Logic and Computation.


*** Invited Speaker: ***
Mirek Truszczynski, Univ. of Kentucky, has accepted the invitation to  
give an
Invited Talk on September 8th


*** About ASP Workshop Series ***

You can find information about the ASP worshop series here


*** Workshop Chairs ***

Stefania Costantini, University of L'Aquila, Italy

Richard Watson, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA


*** Programme Committee ***

Marcello Balduccini, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA

Loreto Bravo, University of Edinburgh, UK

Marina De Vos, University of Bath, UK

Pedro Cabalar, Corunna University, Galicia, Spain

Andrea Formisano, University of Perugia, Italy

Emilia Oikarinen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

Mauricio Osorio, Fundacion Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, M?xico.

Gerald Pfeifer, Novell/SUSE Linux Products GmbH, Germany

Giorgio Terracina, University of Calabria, Italy


*** Workshop Web site ***

For any inquiry, please send it to

Received on Thursday, 28 June 2007 17:45:03 UTC