- From: Eric Prud'hommeaux <eric@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:44:31 -0400
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
- Message-ID: <20070626164431.GB4964@w3.org>
http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes Note action item: [NEW] ACTION: ericN to organize a URI best practices call [recorded in [23]http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-irc] HCLS 21 Jun 2007 See also: [2]IRC log Attendees Present Don_Doherty, Vipul_Kashyap, Kei_Cheung, Jonathan_Rees, EricP, Olivier_Bodenreider, Tanya_Hongsermeier, Eric_Neumann, Helen_Chen, Helen, BillBug, Alan Regrets Chair Eric Neumann Scribe ericP Contents * [3]Topics 1. [4]roll 2. [5]next call 3. [6]meeting state 4. [7]roll 5. [8]meeting state 6. [9]upcoming demos 7. [10]hclsig draft charter * [11]Summary of Action Items __________________________________________________________________ too late, Tonya already did the dance <Tonya> invite zakim #hcls <Tonya> invite RRSAgent #hcls Tonya, i already did that stuff <jar286> FYI jar286 = Jonathan Rees (at Science Commons) roll next call next meeting: 12 July, chair: Tonya meeting state <Tonya> eric P can you scribe ericN: bioinformatics meeting in piza (SP?) ... hardcore bioinformatics group <Tonya> [12]http://www.nettab.org/ <jar286> this agendum was Eric's email: "e) URI discussion with input from BioRDF discussion" but it's fine with me if it's dropped - we have too many things already ericN: folks didn't know where to start with RDF ... need to make more cookbook descriptions ... pubmed+ [society for neuroscience] <Tonya> greetings helen <helen> Hi, Tonya <jar286> ericP, that's society for neuroscience ericN: have not explicitly decided to use RDF ... last year had not heard of RDF ... this year, nearly every slide had RDF in it ... also presented at the CDC ... using RDF to do surveillance on diseases ... headed by Denise Richards ... invited them to participate (they are not members) ... will demonstrate inter-organization exchange to the EPA ... Drug Information Association meeting: <vipul> Case Study: [13]http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/public/UseCases/UniTexas/ <vipul> Name: Parsa Mirhaji ericN: four presentations from {??? ???. ???, and Robbert Von Manen: (SP?)} <vipul> welcome ericN: we are getting more big players interested in attending our calls roll meeting state tonya: how will we prepare for ??? in austria matthias: going well. getting feedback on poster ... most involvement from people who participated in the abstract <jar286> ericP, ??? = ISMB (intelligent systems for molecular biology, big big conference) matthias: making good progress on the health care map ericN: we want to add better views before demo time ... views would have balance of text and images <jar286> I agree, we need a better name for Banff demo. Alan and I will work on this but suggestions welcome. ericN: i will work with jonathan and alan to get the specifics down matthias: not many people from this telecon will be there ericN: i expect 6 or 7 of us ... demo slot probably 1 hour ... expect ~40-80 people ... denis quan and i did one and got around 60 folks </ISMB> tonya: drug discovery meetings in august ericN: discussing with karen meyers ... my have luncheon ... so folks should contact ericN to get invitation upcoming demos hclsig draft charter ericN: how many would like another f2f before charter expiry in oct ... ? jar286: i would vipul: can we do it at the TP? kei: +1 <Tonya> where is the TP? <jar286> JAR would be interested in attending f2f Don: neurscience plenary is around the same time ericN: should have a meeting near cleveland clinic ... tension between that and boston helen: current group has lots of informal f2fs ... for formal one, need justifying agenda ericN: goal is to finish up and discuss the deliverables from the AMS meeting ... discuss which ones need to continue into new group ... task forces have delivered stuff on the wiki, but need to produce formal documents (W3C Notes) ... need to linearize the wiki content ... would like URI issue to be well-understood and documented for other groups <BillBug> Sorry I'm late <jar286> funny thing, i'm working on just such a document (for uris) <jar286> what's eric n talking about? a draft of what? <jar286> new working group charter maybe? jar286, charter <jar286> ok ericN: made a wiki from the notes taken in Banff ... jar286 has a more cleaned-up document jar286: am still getting the wiki organized ... trying 2nd approach ... first was to make my own set of documents, but didn't get much response ericN: need to elevate this from BioRDF to the general HCLS group <BillBug> can someone please post the URL for JAR's URI docs on the Wiki <jar286> [14]http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Tasks/URI_Best_Pract ices/Recommendations#preview <jar286> [15]http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Tasks/URI_Best_Pract ices/Recommendations BillBug: can we extend the wiki to accumlated requirements and feedback? ... want to track/address issues <jar286> eric n is asking who has been on the biordf call <jar286> eric n: the mailing list doesn't work alan: tell anyone you know who is interested to contact jar286 ericN: agreed <Tonya> jar286 = Jonathan Rees ericN: do you expect consensus/resolution within the next 6 months? <jar286> ok... wiki doesn't work, so send email. email doesn't work, so join the telecon. hmm. PROPOSED: Jonathan Rees is the editor of the URIs best practices document. All parties with issues with that document should contact him. RESOLVED <jar286> for me to do: move some info from work plan timeline to main page for project <jar286> alan: hard to get things done over summer, so earlier target than sep 20 not realistic <jar286> sep 30 let's got for last workday: friday 28 Sept alanr: folks should not be looking at uniprot; that's not hcls output. they should look at the URIs best practices document ericN: do we want to treat email-only proposals with the same weight as those who attend the calls? alanr: issue is whether they take the time to defend/clarify their points in some forum <jar286> ericN is here with me <alanr> eric=mom <scribe> ACTION: ericN to organize a URI best practices call [recorded in [16]http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-irc] BillBug: most NUH-funded neurinformatics projects need to be incorporated (into ???) ... NIH blueprint cite has a list of resources <jar286> billbug, i thought biordf group was working on data source modeling & conversion? topic was discussed last monday i think. BillBug: if we can provide SPARQL enpoints for a couple of these resources, we'll [set a compelling example] <BillBug> blueprint main page: [17]http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/ <jar286> alanr and i are requesting help with banff demo server log file analysis AGH!!!! aha, i was talking to the wrong bot <Tonya> is there a study guide to using Zakim? <BillBug> NIH blueprint resources: <BillBug> [18]http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/cell_ti ssue.htm <BillBug> [19]http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/gene_pr otein.htm <BillBug> [20]http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/neuroin formatics.htm <BillBug> [21]http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/imaging _tools.htm <BillBug> [22]http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/animal_ models.htm <BillBug> The idea here is of these resources - those that are rich data repositories would though metadata that could provide a URL upon resolving a SPARQL query that leads to the relevant data should be given priority. oops TMI <BillBug> sorry - typo - "...rich data repositories with thorough metadata..." Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: ericN to organize a URI best practices call [recorded in [23]http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-irc] [End of minutes] __________________________________________________________________ Minutes formatted by David Booth's [24]scribe.perl version 1.128 ([25]CVS log) $Date: 2007/06/26 16:38:52 $ References 1. http://www.w3.org/ 2. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-irc 3. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#agenda 4. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#item01 5. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#item02 6. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#item03 7. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#item04 8. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#item05 9. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#item06 10. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#item07 11. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-minutes#ActionSummary 12. http://www.nettab.org/ 13. http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/public/UseCases/UniTexas/ 14. http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Tasks/URI_Best_Practices/Recommendations#preview 15. http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Tasks/URI_Best_Practices/Recommendations 16. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-irc 17. http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/ 18. http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/cell_tissue.htm 19. http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/gene_protein.htm 20. http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/neuroinformatics.htm 21. http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/imaging_tools.htm 22. http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/neuroscience_resources/animal_models.htm 23. http://www.w3.org/2007/06/21-hcls-irc 24. http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm 25. http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/ -- -eric office: +1.617.258.5741 NE43-344, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02144 USA mobile: +1.617.599.3509 (eric@w3.org) Feel free to forward this message to any list for any purpose other than email address distribution.
Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2007 16:44:43 UTC