Re: BioRDF Telcon

Hi Jonathan et al.,

Eric may add to it, but I just want to describe briefly what I know. At 
the Banff HCLS-DI Workshop 
(, a number of authors had 
presented their work involving their own URI convention/format. As a 
result, there was a proposal called "Banff Manifesto" 
( There was a 
follow-up meeting at Banff right after the HCLS demo that Eric and 
others might be able to tell people more about it (I wasn't at the 
follow-up meeting).



Jonathan Rees wrote:
> On 6/11/07, *Eric Neumann* < 
> <>> wrote:
>     +1 !
>     I've also added a reference to the Banff discussion on URI's. I
>     plan to put this also on the agenda for the next HCLSIG TC (June 21).
>     -Eric
> Thanks, but for the benefit of those of us who weren't at this 
> dicussion in Banff, could you summarize what transpired, or  give a 
> link to minutes?

Received on Monday, 18 June 2007 14:36:09 UTC