Re: Status of HCLS Demo servers

Just a quick note to say that we have now redirected the demo server  
addresses to the neurocommons server. If you notice any problems,  
please send me or Jonathan a note. Work proceeds on setting up our  
new mirrors - I'll send a note out when we switch over to them.


On Jun 11, 2007, at 12:30 PM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

> Today we will pack up the demo machines that were loaned to us from  
> HP. so hcls1 and hcls2 will be down, for at least a little while.
> We have been offered a server hosted by Amit Sheth's group and  
> should be able to set this up hopefully this week or next.
> Another server will be purchased and set up at DERI courtesy of  
> Giovanni Tummarello. As that machine needs to be first ordered I  
> anticipate that it will be at a minimum 2 weeks before it is up.
> In the interim, assuming that we can support the traffic, we will  
> redirect hcls1 and hcls2 to the neurocommons server, however there  
> will likely be a one or two day downtime while we do this.
> If you are using the server and it will seriously inconvenience you  
> to have any downtime, please send me or Jonathan a note and we will  
> provide direct access to the neurocommons server.
> There are other possibilities for hosting mirrors that are under  
> discussion - I'll report back if I have any news.
> If you want to host a pubic or private local mirror of the server,  
> please contact either of us for help in doing so. On the task list  
> is to create a simple how-to and document this on the wiki. If you  
> are interested in helping write this up, which would include  
> verifying that those instructions work on a machine of your own,  
> please also let us know - that would be very helpful.
> Another task that could be taken up by someone interested would be  
> to help analyze the logs we have to get some statistics about the  
> demo's use - number and kind of queries, hosts, errors etc. Please  
> let us know if you are interested in helping with that.
> I've been a bit out of touch because of a combination of travel and  
> my laptop breaking down, so apologies if I haven't responded  
> adequately to emails. I will be catching up this week now that I am  
> back.
> Finally thanks once again to Ray Hookway and Jeannine Crockford at  
> HP for arranging to get us these loaners, and to Amit Sheth and and  
> Giovanni Tummarello for their offers to make the demo continue to  
> be available to the public!
> Regards,
> Alan

Received on Saturday, 16 June 2007 03:47:18 UTC