Re: call for editor for Vocabulary Management (SWD)

Eric & Al,

this is more specific. The Semantic Web Deployment WG plans to issue a
number of notes on vocabulary management. Vocabularies in RDFS, OWL,
possibly SKOS later (SKOS is developed in the same Working Group). The
predecessor of this group has already published a number of notes on
different subjects, see, for example, on their page:

eg, the

document on best practices on publishing RDF vocabularies.

The problem is that the SWD is currently understaffed, and is looking
for people who would be willing to join and act as editors for some of
the upcoming notes. Because some of the HCLS members have significant
practice in publishing/creating ontologies, we thought one of you may be


Eric Neumann wrote:
> Daniel,
> sorry I missed the fact you're an editor for SWD already-- you're
> obviously busy with that function, but perhaps you can help ensure this
> discussion is coordinated.
> To Phil's point, I was under the impression this is about any kind of
> Vocab: RDF-based, SKOS, OWL, OWL1.1, etc... There are indeed many life
> science/ontology related discussions going on, and the first task for
> the editor might be to compile these and place them in a W3C doc or wiki
> page for others to reference...
> Eric
> On Jan 25, 2007, at 10:42 AM, Daniel Rubin wrote:
>> Well, in case everyone didn't already know, I'm a member of the SWD
>> Working Group and one of the editors of the SKOS requirements document
>> under development. Which means I'd certainly be pleased to work with
>> HCLS wrt vocabulary/ontology management discussions.
>> Best regards,
>> Daniel
>> ___
>> Daniel Rubin, MD, MS
>> Clinical Asst. Professor, Radiology
>> Research Scientist, Stanford Medical Informatics
>> Scientific Director, National Center of Biomedical Ontology
>> MSOB X-215
>> Stanford, CA 94305
>> 650-725-5693
>> At 06:00 AM 1/25/2007, Eric Neumann wrote:
>>> Alan, Robert, Phil, Joanne, and Daniel,
>>> Ivan asked me to see who in HCLS would be willing to help out as
>>> 'editor' for the Vocabulary  (and Ontology) Management discussion
>>> within SWD (SW Deployment)?
>>> SWD deliverable issues can be found at
>>> (for members)
>>> Below is the relevant excerpt:
>>> *3. Principles for Managing
>>> *
>>> *3.1 Basic Principles for Managing an RDF Vocabulary [NOT ACTIVE]*
>>>     * Status as of 2006-12-18:
>>>           o No Editor (call made to semantic-web list)
>>>           o Starting point: VocabMgtDraft
>>>             <>
>>>             (2006-12-05) 
>>>     * See also:
>>>           o (Sep 26)
>>>           o
>>>           o
>>>           o
>>>           o
>>>     * Ideal goals (from charter
>>>       <>):
>>>           o Month 6: WD Principles for Managing
>>>           o Month 15: Last Call WD on Principles for Managing
>>>           o Month 17: Note Principles for Managing complete
>>>           o Goal: W3C Technical report "Principles for Managing"
>>>             (namespaces, change management, versioning) 
>>> cheers,
>>> Eric
>>> Eric Neumann, PhD
>>> co-chair, W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences,
>>> and Senior Director Product Strategy
>>> Teranode Corporation
>>> 411 1st Avenue South, Suite 700
>>> Seattle, WA 98104
>>> +1 (781)856-9132
>>> < />
> Eric Neumann, PhD
> co-chair, W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences,
> and Senior Director Product Strategy
> Teranode Corporation
> 411 1st Avenue South, Suite 700
> Seattle, WA 98104
> +1 (781)856-9132


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Friday, 26 January 2007 08:36:00 UTC