RE: Versioning vs Temporal modeling of Patient State

This is a very good and required discussion.

And I totally agree with Dirk, that Werner Ceuster's and Barry Smith's work around "referent tracking" is highly applicable. Both for evolvable "instances of uniquely identified representational units of real world entities" such as patient records and the recordings of clinical acts of observations. As well as for evolvable "representational units designating classes and types in ontologies". 

Excellent paper regarding managing evolving ontologies that explains in more details the slides Dirk refers to in the AMIA presentationen: A Realism-Based Approach to the Evolution of Biomedical Ontologies, that explains the tables Dick refers to in Werner's presentation:

And also more on referent tracking in the domain of Electronic Health Records: A Realism-Based Approach to the Evolution of Biomedical Ontologies 

See also the comprehensive paper I think we all can benefit from setting a common terminology (such as the quoted above) in the HCLS group: Towards a Reference Terminology for Ontology Research and Development in the Biomedical Domain: 


Kerstin Forsberg

Received on Friday, 12 January 2007 11:01:10 UTC