Re: identifier to use

Phillip Lord wrote:
> To me it makes no sense to layer multi different protocols over a single
> identifier. Imagine I get an URI like, it could
> be
> 1) a meaningless concept identifier in an ontology
> 2) a URL which resolves to a pretty web page, via a single step process
> 3) a URL which always resolve to the same data 
> 4) A URL which resolves to the current version of some spec like the W3C
>    recommendation pages. 
> 5) A URL which is meant to be considered to be a location independent ID. 
> 6) What ever else we have decided to layer onto the same identifier scheme.
> To me, it doesn't make any sense. 
Does it make sense to you if our personal name is put like "Xiaoshu, 
male, dark hair, 5'8, email=..., address, etc., etc., Wang"? Because if 
so, I think we would be required to name ourself with our DNA string, 
which is still not enough since it doesn't have my birth time, place, 

Don't mistaken name/identifier as information. Then ask yourself what 
you want from a name? Then, a lot of sense will start coming to you.


Received on Friday, 24 August 2007 10:52:32 UTC