Re: OWL vs RDF

Well it would be educational to get your view on what you can you do  
with owl without a reasoner that's not easier to do without owl?

And how are you to know when you do need the reasoner and when you  

I know the other way around, things that are possible to do with an  
OWL reasoner that are hard to do with anything else. I've been  
advocating using OWL because of these sorts of things...


On Oct 25, 2006, at 3:28 PM, Jim Hendler wrote:

> other than having a lot of trouble with Ivan's statement that  
> implies that you need a DL reasoner to do anything useful with OWL  
> (which is clearly untrue and not what he really meant to imply) I  
> definitely agree with this :-)
>  -JH

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:29:42 UTC