Interesting Blog: Why Semantic Web Research is not working?

Got these list of reasons from this blog:
I think points 1 and 2 are very valid... emphasize the need for real world use
Point 4 is being addressed by various groups
Would like to add another one: Focus on small well-scoped problems...

1.	Researchers are not finding adequate use-cases for implementing
compelling functionality, instead they are creating widgets. There are a great
many of organizations out there with real-world needs that would be greatly
served by implemented semantic web-technology but researchers are for the most
part turning a blind eye and working in a vacuum. 
2.	Researchers are not picking their battles. Instead they are building
generic tools with little real world applicability. 
3.	Researchers are not keeping up with the web and web-publishing software.
It seems that in an effort to remain neutral towards the current web-publishing
industry semantic web researches choose to build their own tools in isolation.
This means that anyone wanting to reuse these tools in a real world application
has to re-implement them within their own web-publishing environment which due
to the high technology barriers simply isn't happening. This is a shame because
it would actually save the researchers time, effort, and money if they simply
implemented their tools within web-publishing environments such as Drupal
<>  and it would allow adopters to implement the tools at zero
4.	Researchers are not moving at the pace the web is currently developing,
instead they are attempting to leap-frog it. A good example of this is the
Structured Blogging <>  and Microformats
<>  initiatives. Why are semantic web researchers
not collaborating with the teams pursuing these projects? 

Received on Thursday, 30 November 2006 01:28:11 UTC