Re: Gene Ontology

>>>>> "AB" == Asad Bajwa <> writes:

  AB> Dear Group,

  AB> Today i have a question regarding the Gene Ontology. It was
  AB> originally build on the OBO format. Well i want to find out the
  AB> most i can about the gene ontology. but my interests are in
  AB> using the OWL Format. I don't know how "good" this owl file is,
  AB> because it is generated automatically form the OBO format. So is
  AB> there anyone having experience with the Gene Ontology and maybe
  AB> advising me on that. The second point is, that the OWL File is
  AB> about 10 MB. I did not test, trying to load it into my
  AB> memory. As i know there are about 45.000 label declared in this
  AB> ontology.

OWL is just a syntax. The semantics of OBO is nowadays officially
stated to be the same as that of OWL (or a subset of it) so the OWL
file should be fine for use. 

As for size, it's possible to reason over GO. It's quite big but
structurally relatively simple. 



Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2006 17:11:19 UTC