RE: BioRDF: URI Best Practices


> as names for things that have a digital existence. The issues 
> of broken links is a difficult one because once the primary 
> source at a particular location disappears you have nothing 
> left to go on to find a copy of the thing named besides what 
> you can find in the WayBack machine or perhaps a Google 
> cache. 

Should a LSID resolver decide not to resolve a particular LSID, wouldn't it
be the same effect as a broken link?  So, this is again more of an
implementation issue than naming issue.

Web has many broken links, because they are insignificant to our life and
let to die.  No one can say that our library would have chronicled every
facets of human life even if it is possible.  But the important ones will be
preserved.  So, if a HTTP URI is important enough, it will survive and
persist.  If not, it will perish or be used to represent somethingelse.
Same goes to LSID.  The key is in our effort but not the name.


Received on Friday, 21 July 2006 15:58:16 UTC