DartGrid: A Semantic Grid Solution for Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello all,


I would like to introduce you the DartGrid toolkit which is a data
integration toolkit using technologies from Semantic Web and Grid. 

It has been used to integrate 50+ relational databases of Traditional
Chinese Medicine and provide an integrated semantic search engine for China
Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine at

You can try search something at : http://coworklab.cintcm.com/tcmsearch/ ,
although it is in Chinese, you can input some English term such as "disease"
or other terms to have a quick look at the result. We call it "Semantic
Search Engine" just because it uses semantic web technology to integrate
heterogeneous relational databases, and you can semantically navigate it by
the semantic link between data.


The official web site for DartGrid is :
http://ccnt.zju.edu.cn/projects/dartgrid , you can download a simplified
version of our system to try a local example. 

Any comments are welcomed.


Best wishes,


Huajun Chen,  Ph.D ,
College of Computer Science,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, 310027, P.R.China.

E-mail: <mailto:huajunsir@zju.edu.cn> huajunsir@zju.edu.cn,
<mailto:huajunsir@vip.sina.com> huajunsir@vip.sina.com 
tel : 86-571-85972051,    fax : 86-571-87953079


Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2006 03:18:43 UTC