Minutes from the January 5 Conference Call

low-tech  minutes  but here they are  - another iteration of the agenda will be
posted later today incorporating feedback from below : 


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 Minutes from 01:05:06 Conference Call HCLSig 


Attendees  (please let us know if we left anyone out) :


Eric Neumann, Teranode

Tonya Hongsermeier, Partners

Joanne Luciano , BioPax
Alfredo Morales Cerebra
John Michaun Duke 
Peter Mork - Mitre Corporation
Duncan Hull U Manchester 

Vipul Kashyap, Partners
Davide Zaccagnini LandC 
Mathew Cockerill Biomed Centeral 
Christofe Poulain from Teranode 
Sean Martin IBM 
Helen Chen Agfa
Michael Shroeder from Dresden Germany 




 Agenda Review Comments:

1)            Introductions
Piggybank  semantic web tool for relating content... in addition to handout of
Upload bio/photographs to WIKI --- need logistical support to avoid this taking
up time during the meeting

2)            Semantic Web Primer:
SWRL - add to Semantic Web Primer,  Data Integration ie LIMS/EMR repository
level, Data/Knowledge Provenance
Eric: Integration is covered, morning is technical, subsequent talks will cover
this, under applications discussion        
Helen Chen: tools for annotation of unstructured data, extraction of structured
data from unstructured
Michael Schoeder - role of publishers, ie Elsevier, has ambitious plans to
formalize knowledge underlying scientific publication

3)            Afternoon Agenda
Vipul: add Knowledge Provenance for clinical guidelines
Bibliographic representation in terms of RDF, 
Davide Zaccagnani volunteered to present on Semantics and Literature
Michael Shroeder: would be happy to present on aggregation of scientific
literature with John Wlbanks
Vipul and Alfredo - could present on Knowledge Provenance
Ted Slater on  Disease/Biomarkers/Annotations
?NCI, they have a conflict

4)   Next Morning:
Self Organize, Identify areas of interest and collaboration, define activities -
key is to define a Roadmap of activities that lead toward the vision

5)            Afternoon:
During Wrap-up: Identify ways to publish white papers, road maps, etc a
communication strategy, Eric N: leverage the workshops already planned such as
trimolecular and SW conferences coming up


Action Items (all Eric and Tonya)

Logistics refining for sponsorship, venue, catering, registration, "piggy-bank" 

Further 1:1 discussions to clarify speakers and topics 
Publish updated F2F Agenda by Wednesday Next Week

Next Conference Call:  January 12th, 2006  11:00 AM EST




Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2006 16:02:42 UTC