Re: [BIORDF]Telcon

Susie et al.,

Unfortunately, I am traveling next week and won't be able to join the 
telecon Monday.
Despite the fact I have been rather silent in the past weeks, I haven't 
lost interest ;-). I am getting ready to start cataloging the NCBI 
resources (both form and content) as they represent the potential source 
of structured data for our experiment. Please contact me if you want to 

-- Dr. Olivier Bodenreider
Staff Scientist
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike - MS 43 (Rm B1N28U), Bethesda, MD 20894 -- USA
phone: 301 435-3246 -- fax: 301 480-3035

Received on Saturday, 18 February 2006 06:56:42 UTC