- From: Susie Stephens <susie.stephens@oracle.com>
- Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 14:04:14 -0500
- To: public-semweb-lifesci <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
I've included below the SQL queries that were used in the VLDB paper for testing the performance of the Oracle RDF Data Model. Please note that we simply took some of the examples given on Eric Jain's Uniprot RDF website and rewrote them to work with our system. It seems the document with example queries is no longer available via Eric's site, but is available via archive.org: http://web.archive.org/web/20041011125430/http://www.isb-sib.ch/~ejain/rdf/s tore.html#queries Susie -- Q1 SELECT AVG(LENGTH(protein)), AVG(LENGTH(begin)), AVG(LENGTH(end)) FROM TABLE(RDF_MATCH('(?protein rdf:type :Protein) (?protein :annotation ?annotation) (?annotation rdf:type :Transmembrane_Annotation) (?annotation :range ?range) (?range :begin ?begin) (?range :end ?end)', RDFModels('UniProt'), NULL, RDFAliases(RDFAlias('', 'urn:lsid:uniprot.org:ontology:')))) WHERE rownum <= 15000; -- Q2 SELECT AVG(LENGTH(protein)), AVG(LENGTH(author)), AVG(LENGTH(title)) FROM TABLE(RDF_MATCH('(?protein rdf:type :Protein) (?protein :modified ?modified) (?protein :citation ?citation) (?citation :author ?author) (?citation :title ?title)', RDFModels('UniProt'), NULL, RDFAliases(RDFAlias('', 'urn:lsid:uniprot.org:ontology:')))) WHERE author LIKE 'Bairoch %' AND rownum <= 16 -- Q3 SELECT count(*) FROM TABLE(RDF_MATCH('(?protein rdf:type :Protein) (?protein :citation ?citation) (?citation :author "Bairoch A.")', RDFModels('UniProt'), NULL, RDFAliases(RDFAlias('', 'urn:lsid:uniprot.org:ontology:')))) WHERE rownum <= 32; -- Q4 SELECT AVG(LENGTH(related)) FROM TABLE(RDF_MATCH('(?protein rdf:type :Protein) (?protein :keyword <urn:lsid:uniprot.org:keywords:48>) (?protein rdfs:seeAlso ?related)', RDFModels('UniProt'), NULL, RDFAliases(RDFAlias('', 'urn:lsid:uniprot.org:ontology:')))) WHERE rownum <= 3000; -- Q5 SELECT AVG(LENGTH(gene)), AVG(LENGTH(name)), AVG(LENGTH(text)) FROM TABLE(RDF_MATCH('(?protein rdf:type :Protein) (?protein :gene ?gene) (?gene :name ?name) (?protein :organism <urn:lsid:uniprot.org:taxonomy:9606>) (?protein :annotation ?annotation) (?annotation rdf:type :Disease_Annotation) (?annotation rdfs:comment ?text)', RDFModels('UniProt'), NULL, RDFAliases(RDFAlias('', 'urn:lsid:uniprot.org:ontology:')))) WHERE rownum <= 750; -- Q6 SELECT AVG(LENGTH(protein)), AVG(LENGTH(mod_date)) FROM TABLE(RDF_MATCH('(?protein rdf:type :Protein) (?protein :modified ?mod_date)', RDFModels('UniProt'), NULL, RDFAliases(RDFAlias('', 'urn:lsid:uniprot.org:ontology:')))) WHERE mod_date > '2004-08' AND rownum <= 8000;
Received on Friday, 17 February 2006 19:04:31 UTC