Re: HL7 and patient records in RDF/OWL?

This sounds intriguing. Do you have any owl ontologies you can share?

At 08:36 PM 2/8/2006, John Madden wrote:
>This is also a big interest of mine.
>I'm co-chairing the HL7 Anatomic Pathology SIG (and I'm in HCLS courtesy 
>SNOMED). With SNOMED's support, I'm embarking on OWL-izing a subset of 
>pathology content to (a) support some circumscribed inferencing on 
>pathology report content (b) demonstrate SKOS mappings to legacy SNOMED 
>and (c) investigate OWL embedding in pervasive (non-xhtml) medical 
>document formats (HL7-CDA, but maybe also OpenDocument, DocBook).
>Many issues. I'd love to discuss, whenever.
>On Feb 8, 2006, at 10:37 AM, 
><> wrote:
>>Hi, Dan
>>It is an area of my interest too.
>>You can check out the previous work on a RIM owl 
>>If you use N3 to write your ontology, you can also get a N3 version here 
>>We have a graduate student currently looking into this model and see how 
>>it can be used in real EPR .
>>Do you have any sepecific task/charter in mind?
>>Dan Brickley <<>>
>>Sent by: 
>>02/08/2006 10:09 AM
>>HL7 and patient records in RDF/OWL?
>>Hi all
>>I'm looking into use of RDF for healthcare apps, specifically
>>patient records. I'd be interested to hear this group's sense of the
>>current state of the art (eg. HL7-in-RDF etc). Was this discussed
>>much at the recent F2F meeting? Anyone interested in collaboration,
>>testing and interop?

Received on Friday, 10 February 2006 03:08:31 UTC