Re: [HCLSIG] HL7 and patient records in RDF/OWL?


In a presentation I gave last month at HL7's RCRIM (regulatory clinical research information management) tech committee, it was clear most folks were not aware of RDF/OWL or weren't sure how it could be applied to HL7's architecture. 

As this was a first introduction to the subject, many people immediately saw the relevance of OWL to their controlled vocabulary needs, and as Helen points out, I think this will be an early area of discussion.

However, the relation between HL7's v3 architecture and the RDF model in areas such as data and protocol messaging, is still uncharted territory, and not everyone in the committee saw the issues the same way. I see this as a potentially important focus point for future interactions between HL7 and HCLS.


--- Dan Brickley <>  wrote:
> Dan Brickley <> 
> Sent by:
> 02/08/2006 10:09 AM
> To
> cc
> Subject
> HL7 and patient records in RDF/OWL?
> Hi all
> I'm looking into use of RDF for healthcare apps,
> specifically 
> patient records. I'd be interested to hear this
> group's sense of the
> current state of the art (eg. HL7-in-RDF etc). Was
> this discussed
> much at the recent F2F meeting? Anyone interested in
> collaboration, 
> testing and interop?
> cheers,
> Dan

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2006 16:06:54 UTC