[BioRDF] Fwd: ISMB/ECCB 2007 Industry Track: Call for Proposals

This came up BioRDF conf call:

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "ISCB Admin" <admin@iscb.org>
> Date: December 7, 2006 3:52:49 PM EST
> To: "'ISCB Members'" <members@iscb.org>
> Subject: ISMB/ECCB 2007 Industry Track: Call for Proposals
> Reply-To: <admin@iscb.org>
> ISMB/ECCB 2007 Industry Track: Call for Proposals
> ISMB/ECCB 2007 ~ Vienna, July 21-25, 2007
> The Industry Track of the ISMB/ECCB 2007 conference aims to bring  
> together people from both academia and industry in a venue that  
> highlights innovative applications and practical impact studies of  
> Life Science Informatics.
> The Industry Track is a special track at the ISMB/ECCB conference  
> that runs in parallel with the regular ISMB tracks. Conference  
> participants will get a slot of approximately 25 minutes to present  
> their work, demonstrate software (optional), and answer questions.
> The presentation should describe the business/scientific problem,  
> the approach used, the current state of the project, an evaluation  
> of the benefits, and future developments. The presentation will  
> provide an opportunity to present your organization to the Life  
> Science Community and especially for younger scientists as they  
> learn how Life Science Informatics are used in your organization.   
> We ask therefore that the talks should focus on the scientific  
> content and should not be used for sales pitches.
> The talks will be featured in the main conference program. More  
> importantly, the sessions will be highlighted in specially arranged  
> venues at the conferences, where all attendees from the conference  
> are able to participate.
> Submissions must include a 250-word abstract-like text that  
> explains what will be presented and a PDF file with the (at least  
> draft version of the) presentation slides.
> Costs
> The cost to present during the Industry Track at ISMB/ECCB 2007 is  
> (does not include conference registration):
> Registered Sponsors of ISMB/ECCB 2007: Free
> (Does not apply to “Student Travel Fellowship” Sponsors)
> For profit organization: US$2000
> Presenters will be contacted by ISMB/ECCB 2007 regarding  
> presentation acceptance, schedule, logistics and payment. Payment  
> should not be made until organizations receive notification of  
> acceptance.
> Industry Track: Deadlines
> Submission Schedule Highlights Tracks
> November 17, 2006 — Industry Track Call for Presentations Opened
> March 4, 2007 — Industry Track Presentation Submission Deadline
> April 23, 2007 — Industry Track Acceptance Notification
> Industry Track: Submission guidelines
> The PDFs of the presentation slides and the covering 250-word  
> argument that explains how the presentation suit the selection  
> criteria will have to be submitted through the automated system by  
> March 4, 2007 (midnight by any time zone). There will be no exception.
> Submissions will include the following:
> Name/affiliation of submitter (assumed to be the speaker).
> Contact information (for speaker).
> 250-word limited abstract-like Abstract that explaining the content  
> of the presentation.
> Note that we will need PDF submissions; the system will neither be  
> able to handle ASCII, nor Word, nor LaTeX, nor anything other than  
> standard PDF. It is the responsibility of the submitter to verify  
> that the PDF is completely viewable/printable by all major  
> operating systems (LINUX, MacOS, Windows).
> Industry Track: Review criteria
> The Industry Track selection committee will evaluate all  
> submissions if they apply to the guideline.
> All submissions will be evaluated by the following criteria:
> Relevance, interest, and value of the topic to ISMB/ECCB attendees,
> Scientific content of the presentation,
> “Presentability” of the work to a large, diverse audience.
> The editors will notify speakers of the acceptance by April 23, 2007.
> The selected talks will be presented in the Industry track that  
> runs in parallel to the main ISMB/ECCB meeting, July 22-25, 2007.  
> All presentations will have to be completed within 20 minutes and  
> will be followed by 5-minute discussions.
> These “soft” criteria attempt to capture the underlying concept,  
> namely the presentation of interesting seminars that will both  
> contribute to the success and attraction-value of ISMB/ECCB and to  
> the impact the meeting has on advancing Life Science Informatics.
> For questions regarding submissions, please contact  
> industrytrack@ismbconf.org
> *********************************
> If you would like to be removed from all future ISCB mailings  
> please write to admin@iscb.org with the words "unsubscribe members"  
> in the subject line and type your name as it was registered in the  
> ISCB members database in the body of the text.  As the mailing list  
> is updated weekly, you will be unsubscribed within seven days.

Joanne Luciano, PhD
Predictive Medicine, Inc.
45 Orchard Street
Belmont MA 02478-3008
Email: jluciano@predmed.com

Received on Monday, 11 December 2006 16:12:13 UTC