Bench-to-Bedside definition & refs

Hi Kei,

This JAMA piece describing the $10M HHMI funding for special PhD  
programs focussed on Bench-to-Bedside training.  It also includes a  
few citations regarding the need for B-to-B focussed research efforts.


On Dec 7, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Eric Neumann wrote:

> For the record...
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "kc28" <>
>> Date: December 6, 2006 10:41:08 PM EST
>> To: "Alan Ruttenberg" <>
>> Cc: "Tim Clark" <>,  
>>, "Matthias Samwald" <>,  
>>,, "Eric  
>> Neumann" <>, "Ivan Herman" <>,  
>> "Jonathan A Rees" <>,,  
>>,, "Susie Stephens"  
>> <>, "Vipul Kashyap"  
>> <VKASHYAP1@PARTNERS.ORG>, "June Kinoshita"  
>> <>, "Elizabeth Wu" <>,  
>> "Tonya Hongsermeier" <>
>> Subject: Re: Another "one" liner
>> Hi,
>> Sorry, I’m falling behind in terms of answering emails as I’ve  
>> been having a very heavy teaching schedule this week (I’m also a  
>> little bit sick). Anyway, I received the following one-liners:
>> Vipul: Present a vision of the Bench to Bedside and the value  
>> proposition provided by SW Technologies through use case examples.
>> Ivan and Helen: This is a vision paper for the application of  
>> semantic web technology in biomedical research and development.
>> Joanne: HCLSIG's role in facilitating the vision of translational  
>> medicine (aka bench to bedside)
>> Matthias: A paper that is 1/3 about the vision, 1/3 about the work  
>> we have done so far and 1/3 a review of our thoughts about the  
>> pros/cons of Semantic Web technologies."
>> Scott: A clear report explaining the HCLS mission and progress to  
>> date.
>> Alan: HCLSIG: Exploring the challenges of using and sharing  
>> information in a semantic web connecting the life sciences.
>> Based on the above one-liners, I have a question about the  
>> following terms:
>> bench to bedside
>> biomedical
>> translational medicine
>> Do they mean the same thing? Are they belong to one discipline  
>> ( For example,  
>> when we talk about bench to bedside, are we talking about  
>> translational informatics (intersection of bioinformatics and  
>> medical informatics) or the range of activities in bioinformatics  
>> and medical informatics. My impression is that the type of  
>> activities that are going on within HCLS involve bioinformatics,  
>> medical informatics and their bridge. So when we use the phrase  
>> “bench to bedside”, I think we should define clearly what it  
>> means.
>> Personally I prefer a balanced and synergistic approach to  
>> describing different aspects of our HCLS group, including mission,  
>> vision, progress, use cases, challenges, and semantic web  
>> (introduction and strength and weakness). This may help different  
>> authors who have different backgrounds/interests to contribute. We  
>> can write up to 20 pages (in BMC format). When we talk about  
>> vision, I think the vision should not be too ambitious. It should  
>> be a deliverable/realistic vision (not a hype) given the strengths  
>> and limitations of SW. It’s better to show some results (albeit  
>> preliminary) to support our claims. We should avoid making claims  
>> that cannot be substantiated. We have about two weeks left.
>> Best,
>> -Kei
>> Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>>> I'm not great with one liners. Perhaps:
>>> HCLSIG: Exploring the challenges of using and sharing information  
>>> in a semantic web connecting the life sciences.
>>> But the paragraph below is a better captures it. Think of it as a  
>>> really long line :)
>>> (hence the quotes around "one")
>>> -Alan
>>> On Dec 5, 2006, at 9:22 AM, kc28 wrote:
>>>> Hi Alan,
>>>> Can you provide a one-line goal also? For example, description  
>>>> of HCLS activities in applying semantic web technologies ...
>>>> Best,
>>>> -Kei
>>>> Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>>>>> Here's a story that I think is both representative of who/where  
>>>>> we are, and which creates a story that fits into the special  
>>>>> issue.
>>>>> Everyone in this group is in a science or health care support  
>>>>> role of one kind or another. They collect and provide  
>>>>> information and strive to make connections across domains  
>>>>> because they think it will help work of their group. This paper  
>>>>> describes their shared activities in applying semantic web  
>>>>> technologies to see if that helps. It describes
>>>>> - The domains from which the information comes and the problems  
>>>>> trying to be solved
>>>>> - Technology and experiments that have been tried to represent,  
>>>>> link and manipulate that information
>>>>> - Problems that have been encountered, conceptual, social and  
>>>>> technical
>>>>> - Some of the things that they hope will be possible if/when  
>>>>> the program is widely adopted.
>>>>> As such it is representative of the challenges that e-science  
>>>>> practitioners will need to address when it comes to knowledge  
>>>>> sharing and manipulation.
> Eric Neumann, PhD
> co-chair, W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences,
> and Senior Director Product Strategy
> Teranode Corporation
> 411 1st Avenue South, Suite 700
> Seattle, WA 98104
> +1 (781)856-9132

Bill Bug
Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer

Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
Drexel University College of Medicine
2900 Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA    19129
215 991 8430 (ph)
610 457 0443 (mobile)
215 843 9367 (fax)

Please Note: I now have a new email -

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2006 17:01:23 UTC