Re: A precedent suggesting a compromise for the SWHCLS IG Best Practices (ARK)

Yes, indeed.  Machine processing of information relies on
consistent usage of terms. You can't reuse information for
new problems when its use requires human intervention to disambiguate  

Tim Berners-Lee

On Aug 10, 2006, at 21:54, wrote:

> Quoting "Miller, Michael D (Rosetta)" <>:
>> You're correct here but it is the state of the art.  Interestingly
>> enough, I've found that in general the biology-based scientists and
>> investigators are not all that bothered by this confusion and despite
>> the confusion seem to make their way through it.
> The problem is that semantic web is intended to make machine to  
> understand.  And
> the clarity is a prerequisite to instruct machine unambigously.
> Xiaoshu

Received on Monday, 21 August 2006 14:54:40 UTC