Re: The O'Reilly Filter?

Eric Neumann wrote:
> Semantic Web (not on the list)  has 396 references in the main area, and 
> 191 within group/semweb-lifesci, placing it between Malaria and Medicine 
> in popularity (509 documents within Connotea have some mention of 
> Semantic Web). Even RDF has a 236 references as well!
> Hmmm... I was wondering if some new kind of social filter or metric is 
> being applied here, or perhaps the list is hand-built and not generated 
> by stats.

I assume the tag cloud only shows the last n used tags, and is only 
refreshed every hour or so (and that "semantic web" isn't a popular weekend 
tag). Given that their "API" is based on RDF, it seems unlikely that they 
would be taking part in an anti-semantic-web conspiracy...

> But the mention of Web 2.0 in the list does lead one to wonder: Is Web 
> 2.0 afraid of the Semantic Web?

Many of the semantic web ideas seem to be logical extensions of "Web 2.0" 
concepts such as tagging. So how about we replace the "semantic web" tag 
with "Web 3.0"? ;-)

Received on Saturday, 29 April 2006 21:16:52 UTC