RE: Semantic web article in Nature Biotechnology

Hello Xiaoshu,

The proposed charter for HCLSIG ( specifically identifies the need to develop Core Vocabularies in the life sciences and biomedicine. This includes building-out and normalizing ontologies such as you suggest, and a working group in this area will be formed (assuming enough interest) as part of the initial activities of the interest group.

What we still need to do as a group is understand what ARE some of the important ways to apply biological and biomedical ontologies, especially from a life science semantic web perspective: resource cataloging, data integration, literature imining and tagging, horizontal inferencing, analysis and web-service management? I hope we will be able to discuss to determine which of these we need to work towards for greatest community value.



--- wangxiao <wangxiao@MUSC.EDU> wrote:

> Thank all, didn't know connotea before, it is very
> useful.
> I also wonder if we can start some activities to
> build some top-level
> ontologies and recommend best practices.  The key to
> make SW work is
> ontology sharing.  Hence, in IMHO a lot of social
> and political works in
> addition to technical works. If we can form a core
> group and start
> recommending some useful ontologies and best
> practice to biologists or
> chemists, it would be very helpful to the entire
> community.
> Xiaoshu Wang

Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2005 11:42:34 UTC