RE: Antwort: RE: Semantic web article in Nature Biotechnology

> Agree furiously...

+ 1.

Solution always lies in the middle.  But the problem is how we make both
sides must be willing to meet.  

> Craig Webster wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >>Dear Robert,  We certainly do need to enable, but I do see 
> preaching 
> >>as critical as well.  I see it happen far too often in our 
> field that 
> >>people jump into large projects and "just do it" without 
> proper design 
> >>and deliberation up front.  They end up wasting huge amounts of 
> >>effort, and creating artifacts that waste the time of 
> others as well.
> >>
> >>Biologists learn the importance of designing their experiments 
> >>carefully; I think it is imperative for the computer 
> scientists among 
> >>us to also teach them the importance of designing their software 
> >>carefully.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > While the "just do it" attitude does have problems, there is also a 
> > problem with the "plan it all" attitude. The first gives 
> you a working 
> > but hard to extend artefact. The second give you a 
> beautiful, easy to 
> > extend and maintain artefact which can be hard to work with.
> > 
> > The model should accurately portray the domain and the best 
> way (in my
> > opinion) to do this is to walk the middle ground: plan, design, 
> > implement a model which loosely matches the domain and try 
> to use it. 
> > After using teh model and seeing what is lacking you can 
> then extend 
> > the model to match how it will be used.
> > 
> > Yours,
> > Craig

Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2005 13:09:12 UTC