Reminder Re: CFP: Semantic Webs for the Life Sciences -- PSB06

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>           Please forward it to everyone who might be interested.
>                         Call for Papers and Posters
>                       Semantic Webs for Life Sciences
>                at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006
>                              January 3-7, 2006
>                  Grand Wailea Resort, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii
>Biology is evolving from a science of organisms and molecules to one
>that increasingly relies on processing data. These data range from raw
>sequences represented in a reasonably computational form, to the vast
>body of annotation of these data that are less amenable to computational
>processing. The shift from hypothesis-driven experiments to data-driven
>experiments relies on having computational access to all these data and
>the tools that manipulate those data.
>The Semantic Web is a vision that moves the Web from a form that is only
>really usable by humans, to one where the data and services are open to
>autonomous computational agents. This vision relies on the semantics of
>both the content and services on the Web being accessible to computers.
>Semantic markup through ontologies developed in OWl or RDF are meant to
>provide this semantic markup -- OWL is, after all, the web Ontology
>Language. As the recent biomedical ontology sessions at PSB have
>revealed, there is much activity within bioinformatics in the field of
>semantic markup of data. The discipline is well poised to build
>Semantic Webs for Life Sciences that will afford bioinformatics
>applications deeper computational access to the knowledge element of
>bioinformatics resources.
>This session on Semantic Webs for Life Sciences would therefore welcome
>papers that discuss:
>     * The creation and use of Semantic Web applications
>     * Reasoning about the biomedical domain based on Semantic Web
>       technologies to make scientific insights
>     * Intelligent agent technologies and associated ontologies
>     * Use of Semantic Web technologies to bridge between heterogeneous
>       information resources (e.g., to connect genotype to gene
>       expression and ultimately to clinical medicine, drug discoveries,
>       etc.)
>     * Use of Semantic Web technologies to make biomedical applications
>       interoperable
>     * The use of OWL, RDF, etc. to describe and use knowledge in the
>       biomedical arena
>     * Advances in Semantic Web related technologies as applied to
>       bioinformatics and biomedical problems
>     * Other research associated with Semantic Webs for Life Sciences
>   Session co-chairs
>     * Robert Stevens (Contact Person)
>       University of Manchester, UK
>     * Olivier Bodenreider
>       National Library of Medicine
>     * Yves A. Lussier
>       Columbia University, NY, USA
>   Submission information
>       Papers and Posters
>The core of the conference consists of rigorously peer-reviewed
>full-length papers reporting on original work. Accepted papers will be
>published in a hard-bound archival proceedings, and the best of these
>will be presented orally to the entire conference. Researchers wishing
>to present their research without official publication are encouraged to
>submit a one page abstract by November 1, 2005 to present their work in
>the poster sessions.
>       Important dates
>     * Paper submissions due: July 18, 2005
>     * Notification of paper acceptance: September 6, 2005
>     * Final paper deadline: September 23, 2005
>     * Abstract deadline: November 1, 2005
>     * Meeting: January 3-7, 2006
>       Paper format
>All papers must be submitted to in electronic
>format. The file formats we accept are: postscript (*.ps), Adobe Acrobat
>(*.pdf) and Microsoft Word documents (*.doc). Attached files should be
>named with the last name of the first author (e.g., altman.pdf,
>or altman.doc).
>Hardcopy submissions or unprocessed TEX or LATEX files will be rejected
>without review.
>Each paper must be accompanied by a cover letter. The *cover letter must
>state* the following:
>     * The email address of the corresponding author
>     * The specific PSB session that should review the paper or abstract
>     * The submitted paper contains original, unpublished results, and
>       is not currently under consideration elsewhere.
>     * All co-authors concur with the contents of the paper.
>Submitted papers are limited to twelve (12) pages in our publication
>format. Please format your paper according to instructions found at
> If figures can not be
>easily resized and placed precisely in the text, then it should be clear
>that with appropriate modifications, the total manuscript length would
>be within the page limit.
>Color pictures can be printed at the expense of the authors. The fee is
>$500 per page of color pictures, payable at the time of camera ready
>Contact Russ Altman ( for additional information
>about paper submission requirements.

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2005 03:39:57 UTC