- From: Chris Wroe <cwroe@cs.man.ac.uk>
- Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 14:56:48 +0100
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
Apologies for those of you who get this more than once. **************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS ECCB'05 WORKSHOP ON BIOMEDICAL ONTOLOGIES AND TEXT PROCESSING 28 September, 2005 Madrid, Spain http://www.nlp.shef.ac.uk/eccb05-ont+text *********** Submission deadline 20 June, 2005 ****************** The workshop is part of the 4th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) (http://www.eccb05.org) Hosted by: Bioinformatics National Institute (INB) WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION ==================== Biomedical literature, bio-databases and bio-ontologies all play an important role in supporting the work of biological researchers. Much of the biological knowledge in our community is held in electronic form as natural language text. However, not all experimental data is appropriate to include in such research publications, and so is instead stored in more structured bio-databases. Bio-ontologies provide a common conceptual framework for structuring and annotating this data to enable it to be pooled across databases. These three resources contain overlapping information in different forms, and the inter-dependencies between them are complex. Text mining of biomedical literature is one way to ensure that the large quantity of information in text is better reflected within ontologies and databases. It can be used, for example, to add ontology based annotation to bio-database entries. By exposing the vocabulary and relationships within the literature, it can also assist in the construction, refinement and validation of the ontologies themselves. Even when used in isolation, the meaning of concepts within an ontology must be interpreted by humans as well as computer systems. Natural language, therefore, plays a vital role in ontology design. Ontologies in turn can support text mining by for example: (i) providing a framework for structuring terminologies and for clustering synonyms; and (ii) defining the types of entities and relations that text mining aims to discover during the process of analysing text. Therefore text mining and ontologies have a lot in common and can be mutually beneficial. However, bio-ontologies are frequently built without explicitly taking into account the needs of the language processing community. As a consequence language processing researchers either ignore these valuable resources or are forced to adapt them with difficulty. Furthermore, ontology builders are frequently unaware of language processing tools, methodologies and applications and how they might assist in the construction and evaluation of ontologies. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the bio-ontology community with those from the biomedical text processing community with a view to furthering their understanding each other's needs and capabilities. Previous workshops in the area have tended focus more either on bio-ontologies or on bio-text processing. While some research has attempted to bridge this gap the aim of current workshop is to focus explicitly on the relationship between bio-ontologies and bio-text processing. To that end we solicit papers that address any aspect of the relationship between bio-ontologies and biomedical text processing. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: - Ontology-assisted information retrieval or extraction from biomedical text collections - Language processing techniques and principles for building and maintaining bio-ontologies - The relation between bio-ontologies and bio-lexicons and more generally the relation between ontologies and natural language - The role of isa and part-whole relations in bio-ontologies and their relation to the lexical relations of hyponymy and meronymy - The inclusion in biological databases of ontologically structured information automatically or semi-automatically extracted from the literature (aka curation) - The evaluation of bio-ontologies through their use in language processing applications - The use of bio-ontologies for the creation of annotated language resources (e.g. annotating texts with GO codes) - The use of bio-ontologies to support co-reference resolution in biomedical texts While the goal of the workshop is to focus on the relationship between bio-ontologies and biomedical text processing, excellent papers that address one or the other of these areas to the exclusion of the other will be considered at the discretion of the programme committee. The workshop will include paper presentations and discussion. The papers should describe recent and previously unpublished work and may be preliminary in nature. The programme committee will arrange the presentations and discussion based on the quality of submissions and may invite other presentations as well. See http://www.nlp.shef.ac.uk/eccb05-ont+text for further details. Abstracts of the workshop papers will be published in the main ECCB05 conference proceedings and the papers themselves will be published in a separate workshop proceedings. Negotiations are underway for a journal special issue in which the best papers from the workshop will be published. IMPORTANT DATES =============== Paper submission: June 20, 2005 Acceptance notification: July 15, 2005 Final papers due: July 22, 2005 Workshop: September 28, 2005 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ======================= Position papers should be no more than 4000 words (5-8 pages). The standard ACM conference style is recommended (see: http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html). Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF or PostScript format. Please consult the web site for further details (http://www.nlp.shef.ac.uk/eccb05-ont+text). WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS =================== Chris Wroe (University of Manchester) cwroe@cs.man.ac.uk Rob Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield) r.gaizauskas@dcs.shef.ac.uk Christian Blaschke (Bioalma, Madrid) blaschke@cnb.uam.es PROGRAMME COMMITTEE =================== Russ Altman (U. Stanford) Sophia Ananiadou (NaCTeM) A. Aronson (NLM) Ted Briscoe (U. Cambridge) Olivier Bodenrider (NLM) Judith Blake (Jackson Laboratory) Nigel Collier (Tokyo) George Demetriou (U. Sheffield) Carol Freidman (Columbia) Ken Fukuda (Computational Biology Research Center, AIST, Tokyo) Moustafa Ghanem (Imperial College) Carole Goble (U. Manchester) Lawrence Hunter (U. Colorado)) Udo Hahn (U. Jena) Henk Harkema (U. Sheffield) Lynette Hirschman (MITRE) Ewan Klein (U. Edinburgh) Phil Lord (U. Manchester) Yves Lussier (Columbia University) Adeline Nazarenko (Universite Paris-Nord, France) Helen Parkinson (EBI) Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann (EBI) Patrick Ruch (University Hospital of Geneva) Andrey Rzhetsky (Columbia University) Stefan Schultz (U. Freiburg) Robert Stevens (U. Manchester) Jun'ichi Tsujii (U. of Tokoyo) Alan Rector (U. Manchester) Alfonso Valencia (Centro Nacional de Biotechnologia, Madrid) Karin Verspoor (Los Alamos) Bonnie Webber (U. Edinburgh) -- Dr Chris Wroe Clinical Research Fellow Information Management Group Dept of Computer Science Manchester University UK http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~wroec
Received on Friday, 15 April 2005 13:55:15 UTC