Re: BioPAX-discuss / "processing" RDF

Hello Peter,

  At ISMB this year,there was an interesting talk on
BioSigNet: "A knowledge-based approach for representing and reasoning
about signalling networks"

In this paper, Baral et al. give some nontrivial examples of 
automatically generated explanation for signalling pathways.

Take care,

Jeremy Zucker
Bioinformatics Specialist
Research Computing Department
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Maya Kolpa wrote:

> Peter --
> Yes indeed, some of the early expert system shells had explanation 
> capabilities.  And EMYCIN was supposed to be somewhat application 
> independent.
> There has been progress since then.  For example, there is a theory 
> base for our system [1], and it automatically generates and runs SQL 
> over networked databases.
> Of course, (E)MYCIN could not have had a browser interface, as 
> browsers were not yet available (:-)
>                             Cheers,  -- Adrian
> [1]  /Backchain Iteration: Towards a Practical Inference Me thod that 
> is Simple Enough to be Proved Terminating, Sound and Complete. 
> <> Journal of Automated 
> Reasoning, 11:1-22/
> Peter Mork wrote:
>> I believe that MYCIN, an expert system for diagnosing blood diseases, 
>> includes (included?) a feature for explaining the conclusion it 
>> reached.  It has been several years since I have seen MYCIN, but a 
>> quick Google search suggests that such a feature is (was?) present.
>> Peter Mork
>>On the other hand, if we represent the knowledge that is needed as English-like inference rules, one can just ask for an explanation/proof that the conclusion follows from the knowledge and the data.  The inference above is a step in such an automatically generated explanation,
>>Does anyone on the list know of other work in this direction?
>>                                           Cheers,  -- Adrian Walker
> -- 
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Received on Monday, 4 October 2004 20:07:04 UTC