Programme Available: The Seventh Annual Bio-ontologies Meeting

The programme for the Seventh Annual Bio-Ontologies Meeting is now
available online.

Apologies, as always, to those who get multiple copies of this. 

The Seventh Annual Bio-ontologies Meeting Call For Submissions

Key Information

Organisers: Robert Stevens(1) ,Robin McEntire(2),
      Phillip Lord(1), and James.A.Butler(2)

(1) Dept of Computer Science, University of Manchester
(2) GlaxoSmithKline

Location: Glasgow, Scotland.
Date: 30th July
Main Conference:
Registration Costs:  80 Academic, 110 Corporate, 60 Student
   (Prices in UK Pounds. 17.5% VAT will be added. Coffee and lunch included)

General Information
The Bio-Ontologies workshop has been in existence since 1998, and now
operates as a Special Interest Group at the ISMB Conference.
Bio-Ontologies is well established as one of the key meetings for
dissemination of the latest information and research on ontologies in the
life sciences and has drawn the key researchers in the field.

After last year's highly successful theme of "Ontologies and Text
Analysis", we will follow with the timely theme of "Ontologies and
Bio-Images". Work is currently being done in the area of ontologies of
images, especially in the domain of developmental biology and
medicine. A prime example of this work is the Bio-Image databank,
which makes extensive use of ontologies.

Our guest speaker for this year's topic will be Dr. David Shotton, who
will talk about the use of ontologies within the BioImage database.

The preliminary programme follows. Full details from the website. 

|Start |End  |Speaker                |Title                                                               |                 
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|09:00 |09:10|                       |Introduction                                                        |
|09:10 |10:00|David Shotton          |KEYNOTE: Using Ontologies to provide semantic richness in biological|
|      |     |                       |image databases                                                     |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|10:00 |10:15|Joanne Luciano         |BioPAX: Data Exchange Ontology for Biological Pathway Databases     |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|10:15 |10:30|Katy Wolstencraft      |The use of ontology in organising and managing protein family       |
|      |     |                       |resources                                                           |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|10:30 |11:00|                       |Coffee                                                              |
|11:00 |11:15|Trish Whetzel          |The MGED Ontology: Providing Descriptors for Microarray Experiments |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|11:15 |11:30|Georgios V. Gkoutos    |Ontologies for the Description of Mouse Phenotypes                  |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|11:30 |12:00|Sarah Luger            |Cross-species mapping between Anatomical Ontologies: Terminological |
|      |     |                       |and Structural support.                                             |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|12:00 |13:00|                       |Lunch                                                               |
|13:00 |15:00|Michael Ashburner      |Panel Session, with Guest Moderator, Helen Parkinson                |
|      |     +-----------------------+                                                                    |
|      |     |Barry Smith            |                                                                    |
|      |     +-----------------------+                                                                    |
|      |     |Jeremy Rodgers         |                                                                    |
|      |     +-----------------------+                                                                    |
|      |     |Crispin Miller         |                                                                    |
|15:00 |15:30|                       |Coffee                                                              |
|15:30 |16:00|Chris Mungall          |OBOL: A Grammar and inference system for GO and OBO                 |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|16:00 |16:30|Anand Kumar            |Enhancing GO for the sake of Clincal Bioinformaticians              |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|16:30 |17:00|Ken-ichiro Fukuda      |Classifying Molecules by their Roles                                |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|17:00 |17:30|Helen Parkinson        |The SOFG Anatomy Entry List (SAEL) as an annotation tool for        |
|      |     |                       |functional genomics experiments                                     |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|17:30 |18:00|Keith Flanagan         |Ontologies for Genomes and Genomic Rearrangements                   |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |
|18:00 |18:15|Nigham Shah            |Making compatible text, visual and mathematical representations for |
|      |     |                       |ontologies                                                          |
|18:15 |18:30|Cliff Joslyn           |Reports On Two Recent Bio-Ontology Workshops                        |
|      |     |                       |                                                                    |

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2004 10:57:38 UTC