RE: Announcement: D-Lib article on RSS in Science Publishing

I really enjoyed your article, as it sets a vision for scientific use of RSS. A question I have is, are there any RSS readers/browsers that can be used to incorporate new information links and context (i.e., RDF properties) in a form that is easy for scientists to use? I am quite interested to know if newsfeeds can be used as knowledge channels within organizations.
Happy Holidays,

 -----Original Message----- 
 From: on behalf of Ben Lund 
 Sent: Fri 12/17/2004 11:18 AM 
 Subject: Announcement: D-Lib article on RSS in Science Publishing

 Hi All,
 Apologies if any of you have seen this already, but I just wanted to
 point you towards our new paper published a couple of days ago in D-Lib
 Magazine (  It goes into more depth on a number of
 the issues that I talked about at the Semantic Web for Life Sciences
 workshop in October:
 The Role of RSS in Science Publishing:
 Syndication and Annotation on the Web
 by Tony Hammond, Timo Hannay and Ben Lund,
 Nature Publishing Group

 Hopefully it'll be of interest.
 D-Lib Magazine is a solely electronic publication with a primary focus
 on digital library research and development, including but not limited
 to new technologies, applications, and contextual social and economic
 issues. D-Lib Magazine is produced by the Corporation for National
 Research Initiatives (CNRI), has been sponsored by the Defense Advanced
 Research Project Agency (DARPA), and is currently being funded by the
 National Science Foundation (NSF).
 --Ben Lund
 --New Technology
 --Nature Publishing Group
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Received on Thursday, 23 December 2004 18:29:36 UTC