- From: Eric Neumann <ENeumann@BeyondGenomics.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:55:11 -0400
- To: <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <FC5C355B8AE9F2499A5220CCEDC34756CF86FC@bgmail.lifescience.com>
Welcome to the Semantic Web for LifeSciences Mailing List! Overview The public-semweb-lifesci list provides an open forum for scientists and informaticists to discuss issues and initiatives relevant to the use of the Sematic Web for the life sciences. Scope This forum is intended to identify opportunities for applying semantic-based approaches to life sciences, as well as advance the rapid design and development of reference models in several areas of life sciences informatics and knowledge exchange. The existence of several current ontologies for biology and chemistry, such as GeneOntology, BioPAX, and NLM's UMLS, offer the possibility to develop RDF models and strategies that can best leverage them. The use of these ontologies in conjunction with other W3C standards could greatly accelerate the practical use of web-based technologies throughout the science community. Applications of RDF within the Life Sciences may include: * RDF-based Distributed Annotation Systems (DAS) * Framework for clearly defining biological systems and phenomena * Heterogeneous Data Integration, ala RDF aggregation and Web-Joins * The Generation, Capture, and Testing of Scientific Hypotheses * The use of RDF as a basis for on-line publishing that embed Molecular, Cellular, and Disease Models W3C provides the public-semweb-lifesci forum as a home for detailed domain-related and technical discussions of all approaches to the use of classical logic and ontologies within the Life Science community for the representation of data, ontologies, intepretations, knowledge, biological systems, mechanisms of action, and inference rules. The life science list, through association with the RDF Interest Group (http://www.w3.org/RDF/Interest/), also serves as a mechanism to provide input into W3C's Semantic Web activities, in particular relating the needs of the life sciences community to future directions for the Resource Description Framework. The Semantic Web for Life Sciences is an independent group that intends to coordinate closely with other Semantic Web Initiatives. Eric ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eric K. Neumann PhD VP Strategic Informatics, Head of Knowledge Research Beyond Genomics 40 Bear Hill Road Waltham, MA tel: 781-434-0222 fax: 781-895-1119 www.beyondgenomics.com
Received on Wednesday, 22 October 2003 15:55:57 UTC