Ongoing WG charter 2022 review: inform your AC rep!

Hello Second Screen Working Group participants,

The draft charter that we discussed in the past few months was sent to 
members for review last week. I'm relaying the call for review below so 
that you may pass the information to your Advisory Committee 
representative and cast your support for the charter.

The proposed recharter is available at:

Your AC representative may indicate support using this online form:

The deadline for responses is 04:59 UTC on 2022-02-19 (23:59, Boston 
time on 2022-02-18) [0].

As discussed, the proposed charter extends the scope to cover querying 
the device for information about connected displays and positioning 
windows relative to those displays.  The list of deliverables was 
completed to add the Multi-Screen Window Placement proposal [1].

A diff from the current charter is available [2].

Given the change of scope, current participants will need to re-join the 
group if the new charter is approved.

The Second Screen Working Group Patent Advisory Group (PAG), whose 
creation I announced in August 2021 [3] in response to patent 
disclosures and exclusions related to the Open Screen Protocol 
specification, is still on-going.

Let me know if you have questions!


Received on Friday, 28 January 2022 14:29:08 UTC