[minutes] Second Screen WG F2F - Day 1/2 - TPAC Lisbon - 2016-09-22

Hi Second Screen WG,

I cleaned up the minutes of the first day of the Second Screen WG F2F last week in Lisbon. They are available at:


... and copied as raw text below for archival. As you may have seen (I apologize for the series of emails that this triggered), I also added a link to the right part of the minutes from GitHub issues.

As usual, per charter, RESOLUTIONS that appear in the minutes are provisional until 10 working days after the publication of these minutes. Please use issues on GitHub to raise possible concerns on these resolutions.


Second Screen WG F2F - Day 1/2
22 Sep 2016


      [2] https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen/Meetings/Sep_2016_F2F#Agenda

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-irc


          Anton_Vayvod(Google), Mark_Foltz(Google),
          Anssi_Kostiainen(Intel), Shih-Chiang_Chien(Mozilla),
          Mounir_Lamouri(Google), Eric_Carlson(Apple),
          Mark_Watson(Netflix), Louay_Bassbouss(Fraunhofer),
          Francois_Daoust(W3C), Hyojin_Song(LGE),
          Kenneth_Christiansen(Intel), Hiroki_Endo(NHK),
          Tomoyuki_Shimizu(KDDI), Chris_Needham(BBC),
          Kasar_Masood(Viacom), Kumanan_Yogaratnam(Espial)


          Francois, Mark


     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Presentation API issues
              1. [6]Clarify presentation ID generation
                 requirements (#346)
              2. [7]Introduction could use some copy editing
              3. [8]Spec for PresentationConnectionCloseEvent
                 conflicts with note (#344)
              4. [9]Establishing a presentation connection steps
                 do not handle failures (#343)
              5. [10]Presentation display availability is not
                 clearly defined (#342)
              6. [11]navigator.presentation is marked optional in
                 WebIDL (#341)
              7. [12]Examples 5.6 does not need onconnect handler
              8. [13]setConnection in example 5.5 may put UI in an
                 inconsistent state (#339)
              9. [14]PresentationConnectionList is not required
                 for receiving user agents (#337)
             10. [15]PresentationRequest constructor uses entry
                 settings object (#336)
             11. [16]Define the behavior for consecutive calls to
                 getAvailability (#335)
             12. [17]Define that "TV" should appear as token for
                 UA-string (#303)
             13. [18]Check references category and stability
         2. [19]Presentation API testing
         3. [20]Implementation status
         4. [21]Moving beyond CR
         5. [22]Presentation API v2
              1. [23]Cloud paired screens as presentation targets
              2. [24]Forced 1-UA mode for documents or frames
              3. [25]Allowing a page to turn itself in a
                 presentation session (#32)
              4. [26]Can the same browsing context act as a
                 controller and a receiver? (#338)
              5. [27]Compatibility with HbbTV (#67)
              6. [28]Presentations without communication channel
              7. [29]Presentation display capability detection
         6. [30]Remote Playback API
              1. [31]Implementation guidance for browsers that a
                 media element with controls is remoted (#48)
              2. [32]Define the relation with Media Session spec
              3. [33]Guidance for HTMLMediaElement (#41)
     * [34]Summary of Action Items
     * [35]Summary of Resolutions

   See also the [36]minutes of day 2.

     [36] http://www.w3.org/23-webscreens-minutes.html

   Anssi: Welcome to the Second Screen WG 2016 TPAC F2F meeting!
   ... [agenda review]
   ... v1 issues for the Presentation API are the ones we want to
   fix right away to move the Presentation API to REC. v2 issues
   would be for a possible second version of the specification.

   Anssi: The Presentation API spec got published as a Candidate
   Recommendation in July 2016 (see [37]Presentation API
   publication history).
   ... We'll shuffle the agenda a bit to discuss everything
   related to v1 first, then talk about v2.
   ... We may also compact the agenda a bit to spend more time on
   CG discussions around protocols.

     [37] https://www.w3.org/standards/history/presentation-api

   [quick round of introductions]

Presentation API issues

   -> [38]Presentation API open issues

     [38] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues?utf8=✓&q=is:issue is:open

   Francois: Note some recent issues are not labeled as v1 or v2.

   Anssi: Let's go through them

Clarify presentation ID generation requirements (#346)

   -> [39]Clarify presentation ID generation requirements (#346)

     [39] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/346

   Mark: We "recommend" to use UUID, We'd better use "SHOULD" to
   clarify that this is a normative statement.

   Francois: Why is that not a MUST? Do we anticipate good reasons
   to create other types of UUID?

   Mark: I think it can be a MUST. I think I can take an action to
   research what other specs are doing.

   Shih-Chiang: Just checked MediaStreams spec, they use SHOULD.

   <scribe> ACTION: For #346, @mfoltzgoogle to check how other
   specs reference UUID generation and adjust the spec accordingly
   with SHOULD or MUST. [recorded in

     [40] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action01]

Introduction could use some copy editing (#345)

   -> [41]Introduction could use some copy editing (#345)

     [41] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/345

   Mark: Purely editorial.

Spec for PresentationConnectionCloseEvent conflicts with note (#344)

   -> [42]Spec for PresentationConnectionCloseEvent conflicts with
   note (#344)

     [42] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/344

   Mark: The examples in the note do not include the reason why
   the error occurred, whereas we recommend that.
   ... We should update the examples in the note.

   <mfoltzgoogle> ACTION: For #344, Mark to update close message
   examples to conform to spec. [recorded in

     [43] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action04]

Establishing a presentation connection steps do not handle failures

   -> [44]Establishing a presentation connection steps do not
   handle failures (#343)

     [44] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/343

   Mark: I'm suggesting moving the error handling part from the
   start connection algorithm into the establish a connection
   algorithm so that the reconnect algorithm also benefits from
   ... Also, the note in 6.5.1 is not explicit about which steps
   can be automatically retried.

   Anssi: Are there cases where implementations may not want to

   Mark: That's a good question
   ... It depends on whether we want the developer to be fully
   responsible for error handling.

   Anssi: I think good general principle is that the developer
   should always expect things to fail. Do we have implementation

   Mark: I don't think the connection will ever go from an error
   state to a connected state without the developer having to do
   something about it.

   Anssi: OK, so that's per spec. The note is more an
   implementation guideline.
   ... My mental model says that it's more intuitive to expose the
   error right away to the developer. That would suggest dropping
   the note.

   Mark: I think I agree. I need to check whether that matches

   Anssi: Similar to a discussion we had in the Device and Sensors
   WG around transient states.
   ... Anyone has concerns with dropping the note?

   RESOLUTION: For #343, move error handling steps from the start
   algorithm to the establish a connection algorithm, and remove
   the note in 6.5.1 about retrying connection establishment.

Presentation display availability is not clearly defined (#342)

   -> [45]Presentation display availability is not clearly defined

     [45] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/342

   Mark: I wonder whether that's an idiom we need to define, or is
   it just a reference to the object that we need.

   Anssi: I think that's just a way to have an English name. This
   seems like a style issue. I would leave it to the editor.

   Mark: We may need some idiom to say exactly what this means.

   Francois: Personally, I agree it would be better to have a
   proper definition. I don't think there's a clear guideline
   across Web specs on this.

   Mark: I do want to check that there is some proper definition
   of what availability means.

   <mfoltzgoogle> ACTION: For #342, Mark to check that there is a
   proper definition of "availability." [recorded in

     [46] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action03]

navigator.presentation is marked optional in WebIDL (#341)

   -> [47]navigator.presentation is marked optional in WebIDL

     [47] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/341

   Mark: I think that's an IDL bug, the presentation attribute
   cannot be null in practice.

   RESOLUTION: For #341, make "navigator.presentation" attribute
   mandatory to align with the normative prose.

Examples 5.6 does not need onconnect handler (#340)

   -> [48]Examples 5.6 does not need onconnect handler (#340)

     [48] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/340

   Anssi: Editorial, needs fixing.

setConnection in example 5.5 may put UI in an inconsistent state

   -> [49]setConnection in example 5.5 may put UI in an
   inconsistent state (#339)

     [49] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/339

   <scribe> ACTION: Kenneth to review and fix the example in 5.5
   [recorded in

     [50] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action02]

PresentationConnectionList is not required for receiving user agents

   -> [51]PresentationConnectionList is not required for receiving
   user agents (#337)

     [51] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/337

   Mark: The Conformance section lists mandatory interfaces, but
   PresentationConnectionList fell through the cracks.

   RESOLUTION: For #337, add PresentationConnectionList to the
   list of interfaces to be supported by receiving user agents.

   Anssi: Moving on to older v1 issues

PresentationRequest constructor uses entry settings object (#336)

   -> [52]PresentationRequest constructor uses entry settings
   object (#336)

     [52] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/336

   Anssi: Basically, things changed in HTML, and we should align.

   [looking at another spec which fixed this, seems to use
   "incumbent object"]

   Anssi: We need to look at how other specs have been refactored
   and follow that practice.

   Francois: We could add ourselves to the [53]list of specs
   tracked to reduce the use of "entry settings object" and ping
   Domenic about that.

     [53] https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/1431

   RESOLUTION: For #336, examine how other specs have been updated
   to use the settings object and update our spec to match.

Define the behavior for consecutive calls to getAvailability (#335)

   -> [54]Define the behavior for consecutive calls to
   getAvailability (#335)

     [54] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/335

   Shih-Chiang: The availability object will be created during the
   first call. Different unclear behavior. When are promises
   resolved when consecutive calls to getAvailability are issued?

   Anssi: In the battery context, multiple calls will yield the
   same Promise (see [55]Battery promise).

     [55] https://w3c.github.io/battery/#dfn-battery-promise

   Mounir: I think we should add a new step after step 6 to reuse
   an existing Promise if there's one.

   Anssi: that would be a one-liner fix

   Francois: About the first bullet, my understanding is that the
   problem is that different contexts cannot return the same JS

   Mark: Yes, they would have to be different JS objects. I think
   we need to be clear about when we refer to script objects or
   internal objects.
   ... I'll check our implementation but indeed, different calls
   to getAvailability from different contexts will return
   different script objects that are in the same internal state.
   ... I think we should check when we say promise or availability
   object whether we refer to a script object or an internal
   state, and make that consistent throughout the spec.
   ... The IDL has [SameObject], so enforces the fact that the
   same script object gets returned in a given browsing context.
   ... Actually the [SameObject] attribute is not there, so we
   need to be explicit about that.

   Francois: Also, note that for bullet 2, we're missing "in
   parallel" in step 9.

   RESOLUTION: For #335, check algorithms around availability
   objects and make sure they all refer to "script object" or
   "internal object". For bullet 2, add "in parallel" in step 9.
   For bullet 3, make sure getAvailability returns the same
   Promise object.

Define that "TV" should appear as token for UA-string (#303)

   -> [56]Define that "TV" should appear as token for UA-string

     [56] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/303

   Anssi: Jonas is not around for the time being.
   ... Do we have new information?

   Mark: I'm fine either way, provided we understand what TV
   means. There seems to be a set of features, e.g. overscan,
   input, resolution, etc.

   Kenneth: It's not recommended to do UA sniffing at well.
   ... Reality is that people have to do sniffing from time to

   Anton: In the receiving context, the "receiver" attribute will
   be set, so the application knows it is a presentation.

   Francois: Right, that's what I raised in the GitHub issue as

   Anssi: I see, so that seems functionally equivalent.
   ... An app can do feature detection through that attribute and
   react based on this. Additional specific CSS media queries
   could be useful in the future.

   RESOLUTION: For #303, add a note about feature detection
   through the "receiver" attribute, no guideline on the UA

Check references category and stability (#295)

   -> [57]Check references category and stability (#295)

     [57] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/295

   Francois: Basic rule is that a PR/REC cannot reference anything
   else than a PR or a REC. In practice, there are exceptions to
   the rule. We'll switch to HTML5.1, have a slight problem with
   NotAllowedError in WebIDL, mixed content and permissions, as
   well as a couple of specs references in the "Creating a
   receiving browsing context" algorithm, but we're only
   referencing high-level concepts there, no deep integration.
   ... We just need to keep track of those, and ensure we
   highlight exceptions we need when we request transition to PR.

Presentation API testing

   Anssi: We need to demonstrate interop to go to PR, and for that
   we need to create a test suite.
   ... We should look at the current state and see what needs to
   be done.
   ... Louay is test facilitator. Some contributions from
   students, WG participants, Francois prepared a human-readable
   [58]test coverage document.

     [58] https://tidoust.github.io/presentation-api-testcoverage/#plan

   Anssi: Proposed action plan for how to proceed with testing.
   Three milestones to complete tests.

   Anssi: End of October, work on existing tests and [59]fix open
   issues. Four minor issues.
   ... For each missing test, create an issue in
   web-platform-tests/presentation-api. Assign issues to test
   ... If there is a normative change, editor should ping Louay
   and the test author that tests need to be updated.
   ... Need to move Chromecast app ids to a config file to avoid
   ... Two web pages are registered with Fraunhofer accounts. Not
   allowed to publish with our account.
   ... Need account to maintain published apps.
   ... W3C can create account to publish.

     [59] https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/labels/presentation-api

   <scribe> ACTION: Francois to investigate creation of Cast
   developer account to publish test app. [recorded in

     [60] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action05]

   Louay: How to test different implementations (1-UA and 2-UA) in
   the same user agent and present a consolidated report.

   Anssi: What is the status of 1UA?


     [61] https://tidoust.github.io/presentation-api-testcoverage/#table

   Mark: The bread of the sandwich is done. The yummy parts in the
   middle are in progress.

   Anssi: How to forward JSON test results from receiver?

   Anssi/Mark: Cleaner to POST these to a separate service than to
   use the presentation connection.

   Mark_Watson: Test harness spawns windows, may not work in a
   single-window environment.

   Louay: Controller runs test on receiver, so don't need to spawn

   Francois/Louay review test coverage report. Goal is to prepare
   implementation report by the end of the December.

   Anssi: Move coverage report to w3c repo?

   Francois: Not part of test suite. Anssi: Leave as-is.

   <tidoust> [FYI, iframe tests use a [62]stash.py file to store
   test results on the server]

     [62] https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/blob/master/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/stash.py

   Louay: Can check scripts to stash results. Or use WebSockets to
   exchange test results.

   Anton: Would a test receiver help that opens a window? Mark:
   Mocks out the receiver, could be useful for testing controller.

   Louay: Call for test contributors. Tomoyuki: Offers to help.

Implementation status

   Mark presents Google Cast for Education, intended for class
   rooms. Could be used for 1-UA mode as well as for 2-UA mode

   Virtual screen access control goes through cloud. Mark gives
   access to Anton, who shares images. Implementation is a proof
   of concept not a full 2-UA implementation, it does not support
   multiple controllers for instance. The receiving API needs to
   be implemented.

   The spec was not an obstacle to implement this. There's a
   little bit of work to do around security.

   The device runs Chrome OS. The stack is different from the
   stack in Chromecast. The receiver part is a Chrome app. Being a
   Chrome app helps leveraging some useful features such as user

   Mark mentioned the fact that Chrome shipped support for the
   Cast API which is built on top of the Presentation API under
   the hood.

   The only plan for native implementation of receiver mode is
   1-UA mode for Google.

   Shih-Chiang shows a demo of Mozilla's implementation of the
   Presentation API using a Firefox OS TV simulator.

   Device selection part is currently missing from the
   implementation. The TV simulator gets told to open the Web
   page. It exposes the receiving API to the Web page that gets

   Louay wonders whether the TV simulator can be used for testing
   the receiving side. The TV simulator is not publicly available.

   <Tomoyuki> [FYI: [63]Simulating Firefox OS for TV on your
   desktop (MDN)]

     [63] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_OS_for_TV/Simulating_Firefox_OS_for_TV

   Tomoyuki sees a public simulator, but it is an old version of
   the simulator.

   Kumanan wonders about underlying protocols. Proprietary
   protocols are used. Topic will be discussed in the Second
   Screen CG tomorrow. Mark points out that Google Cast for
   Education does not really use the Cast protocol despite the
   name, but a cloud-based protocol.

Moving beyond CR

   Anssi reviews the requirements to transition beyond CR.

   A discussion around re-chartering milestones follows. Is Q1
   2017 too optimistic? If the group needs to publish a new CR, it
   only has until mid-January 2017.

   Shih-Chiang mentions Q1 2017 as implementation target for 1-UA
   mode. Mark says he targets end of the year for 1-UA mode as
   well. 2-UA mode is not going to be until Q1 2017.

   2-UA mode is part of our CR exit criteria. It is work in
   progress in Firefox OS for TV, with no clear ETA for shipping
   at this stage.

   Participants agree that Q2 2017 seems a better target for

   [lunch break]

Presentation API v2

   Anssi: Goal is to take version 1, fork it and start baking in
   new features.
   ... Let's look at v2 issues and see whether that triggers

Cloud paired screens as presentation targets (#61)

   -> [64]Cloud paired screens as presentation targets (#61)

     [64] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/61

   Mark: I think flashing out the requirements to do that would be

   Shih-Chiang: All of our envisioned developments so far target
   the local network. It would be useful to let the user decide on
   whether it allows a cloud-based screen that the app can
   interact with instead of trying to agree on a mechanism to
   achieve that.
   ... WebRTC already has a mechanism for pairing two devices,
   maybe it would be easier for us to leverage this.
   ... i.e. reuse the signaling channel.

   Mark: Also, it could be useful to repurpose an RTCDataChannel
   for use in the Presentation API not for developers to change
   ... Worth investigating

Forced 1-UA mode for documents or frames (#347)

   -> [65]Forced 1-UA mode for documents or frames (#347)

     [65] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/347

   Mark: In some cases, the controller may be the powerful end,
   and power may be needed. Or low-latency is needed (e.g. in
   ... Two possible options: 1/ a possibility to require 1-UA
   mode, 2/ a new API to present an offscreen frame or canvas
   (being able to access and control the remote DOM tree)
   ... The second part could be similar to requestFullscreen. A
   kind of requestOffscreen. It's like a simpler use case for the
   Presentation API.
   ... There's already some work being done in Chrome at least to
   turn a canvas into a MediaStream, so the first part could build
   on it.

   Anssi: That reminds me of the [66]Offscreen canvas proposal
   discussed in WHAT WG.

     [66] https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/OffscreenCanvas

Allowing a page to turn itself in a presentation session (#32)

   -> [67]Allowing a page to turn itself in a presentation session

     [67] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/32

   Mark: I think this use case is interesting. A device could pass
   by and become a controlling user agent for a presentation
   initially started on its own.

   Anssi: How would you bootstrap this? NFC tapping?

   Mark: It depends on context. For public devices, restrictions
   are obviously needed.

Can the same browsing context act as a controller and a receiver?

   -> [68]Can the same browsing context act as a controller and a
   receiver? (#338)

     [68] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/338

   Mark: Problem is around the restrictions the spec places on a
   receiving browsing context.
   ... The spec does not prevent that case, but we may need to
   check the implications carefully.
   ... Also, you may need a way to delegate permissions if the
   receiving user agent does not support user input as such.

   Francois: The use case is somewhat different from a controlling
   page willing to spawn a presentation on "as many screens as

   Mark: Somewhat related though. The first presentation could
   spawn another presentation. There are pros and cons to both

   Louay: The video wall use case comes to mind.

   Ingar: Sync in this use case is typically within the scope of
   the Multi-Device Timing CG. That does not solve the
   bootstrapping problem.

Compatibility with HbbTV (#67)

   -> [69]Compatibility with HbbTV (#67)

     [69] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/67

   Francois: Part of CG discussions now.

Presentations without communication channel (#202)

   -> [70]Presentations without communication channel (#202)

     [70] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/202

   Francois: Some overlap with the "offscreen" idea.

   Francois: This could allow for some bootstrapping scenarios,
   e.g. where the user uses NFC tapping to pass the URL. No
   communication channel can be established, but both ends can go
   through the backend to communicate.

Presentation display capability detection (#348)

   -> [71]Presentation display capability detection (#348)

     [71] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/348

   <mfoltzgoogle> [72]Media capture from canvas

     [72] https://www.w3.org/TR/mediacapture-fromelement/#html-canvas-element-media-capture-extensions

   Mark: There may be different categories such as physical
   attributes, media capabilities, support for specific APIs (MSE,
   EME) or codecs, etc.

   Anssi: HTMLMediaElement, getUserMedia come to mind for
   capabilities detection.

   Mark: Higher priority should be around features that are
   independent of the content, so I/O characteristics typically.
   ... It might be expressed preferences. Controller could say "I
   would work better if I had this or that capability". Usability

   Mounir: Having that as preferences has issues. You may want to
   ensure that you don't get some of the remote devices show up in
   the list.

   Mounir and Mark discuss preferences vs. constraints.

   One issue is that this would leak more information to the app
   through "getAvailability".

   Anssi: A good approach would be to look at concrete use cases.
   Keeping it simple is much better. "Input", etc.

   Chris: When I discussed this internally, the discussion quickly
   turned into codecs.

   Mounir: It's more an issue for the Remote Playback API.

   Anssi: Looking at the streams API now.

   Mark: Domenic and I look at it as streams evolve. No concrete
   action so far.

   Anssi: Concluding this discussion, there seems to be valid use
   cases for v2. None of this should make its way to v1.
   ... Our new draft charter would allow us to work on this.

   <mfoltzgoogle> FYI: [73]<canvas>.captureStream() has shipped in

     [73] https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4817998447640576

Remote Playback API

   Anssi: Looking at post-FPWD issues.

Implementation guidance for browsers that a media element with
controls is remoted (#48)

   -> [74]Implementation guidance for browsers that a media
   element with controls is remoted (#48)

     [74] https://github.com/w3c/remote-playback/issues/48

   Anton: Some suggestion to convey that remoting is happening and
   that some poster image should be displayed.

   Anssi: I think different implementations convey things
   differently. We can add a note.

   Mark: From a privacy point of view, it seems important to
   ensure the user is aware that something is happening remotely.

   Chris: Or would you have an event about remoting changes of

   Anton: You will get events.

   Anssi: The user should always be notified about what is
   ... Generally, it is a bad idea to specify anything specific to
   UI in a spec.

   Anton: The spec does not say whether the local playback should
   be paused.

   Anssi: I would not force the local playback to pause. That can
   be useful in some cases.

   Francois: It seems important to ensure that the app developer
   knows whether the local playback is still running or not.
   ... Also, you probably do not want the local audio rendering to
   continue, because synchronization will be very hard to achieve.

   Anton: Except in the case where you want to watch a video in
   two different rooms, you probably want to pause local playback.

   Anssi: So should we expose a way to know whether the local
   playback is still running?

   Mounir: I think the spec should be explicit that local playback
   needs to be paused.

   Francois: Yes, if the developer wants to continue playback, he
   can create another media element and handle the synchronization
   on his own.

   Anssi: OK.

   Anton: From the point of view of the page, the media will still
   be playing.

Define the relation with Media Session spec (#10)

   -> [75]Define the relation with Media Session spec (#10)

     [75] https://github.com/w3c/remote-playback/issues/10

   Anton: We're waiting on media session to move forward.

   Mounir: We re-scoped this effort and transitioned to WICG.

   Anton: So only action is to wait until the spec matures and

Guidance for HTMLMediaElement (#41)

   -> [76]Guidance for HTMLMediaElement (#41)

     [76] https://github.com/w3c/remote-playback/issues/41

   Anton: The issue is that media element is like a big interface.
   What should work and what should not work in the remote state?
   ... I've started to list what needs or does not need to be

   Francois: Interesting, because it looks like a "profile" of the
   HTMLMediaElement interface, which makes perfect sense, but may
   not please some people.

   Kumanan: Feature detection is already used to detect whether
   some of these features are supported in the simple local case.
   ... You may not be able to seek for instance, and you cannot
   ask more than what the remote device can achieve.
   ... In the set-top box case, there may be legal restrictions
   for some of these features.

   Anton: OK, so we should be careful for some of these MUST.
   ... we'll get to details tomorrow.

   See the [77]minutes of day 2.

     [77] http://www.w3.org/23-webscreens-minutes.html

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: For #346, @mfoltzgoogle to check how other specs
   reference UUID generation and adjust the spec accordingly with
   SHOULD or MUST. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: For #342, Mark to check that there is a proper
   definition of "availability." [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: For #344, Mark to update close message examples
   to conform to spec. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Francois to investigate creation of Cast
   developer account to publish test app. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Kenneth to review and fix the example in 5.5
   [recorded in

     [78] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action01
     [79] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action03
     [80] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action04
     [81] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action05
     [82] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-webscreens-minutes.html#action02

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [83]For #343, move error handling steps from the start
       algorithm to the establish a connection algorithm, and
       remove the note in 6.5.1 about retrying connection
    2. [84]For #341, make "navigator.presentation" attribute
       mandatory to align with the normative prose.
    3. [85]For #337, add PresentationConnectionList to the list of
       interfaces to be supported by receiving user agents.
    4. [86]For #336, examine how other specs have been updated to
       use the settings object and update our spec to match.
    5. [87]For #335, check algorithms around availability objects
       and make sure they all refer to "script object" or
       "internal object". For bullet 2, add "in parallel" in step
       9. For bullet 3, make sure getAvailability returns the same
       Promise object.
    6. [88]For #303, add a note about feature detection through
       the "receiver" attribute, no guideline on the UA string.

   [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 26 September 2016 12:36:45 UTC