Request to alter order of the F2F agenda

Hello Anssi, François and everyone,

Several of the existing issues we will be discussing are potentially affected by my assessment of the mapping between HbbTV 2.0 and the Presentation API [1]. There is a list of related issues in [1].

I believe it would be useful to move the discussion of HbbTV to an earlier point in the agenda, so everybody has a good understanding when we come to discuss the other issues. I have prepared a presentation to assist in this.

Please accept my apologies for the last minute nature of this request. I know it is quite a disruptive one to the planned running order.

Perhaps we decide on whether make this change to the running order when we review the agenda at the start of the session tomorrow?





| Matt Hammond
| Senior Research Engineer, BBC R&D, Centre House, London

Received on Monday, 18 May 2015 13:50:54 UTC