Call for agenda topics for WG F2F meeting 19-20 May 2015 in Berlin

Hi All,

The WG's F2F will be held on 19-20 May 2015 in Berlin, kindly hosted by Fraunhofer FOKUS.

I bootstrapped a meeting wiki page [1] for the F2F to provide you with a single entry point for all-things-F2F, please take a look:

The page is WIP, but I wanted to get this out to you as early as possible. The meeting registration will open soon.

Now, we should start craft the agenda together. My proposal is to allocate a majority of the meeting time for discussing, solving, and agreeing on high priority issues we've identified.

All - *please provide feedback in this thread (or privately to me) on issues you'd like to see discussed at F2F*. A good starting point is to review the current open issues, and provide an issue number, see:

[We'll update the Px labels based on feedback.]

Of course, also new topics can be proposed as well.

Please note that toward the end of the day 2 we also plan to have a slot for unconference style sessions, since many great ideas often come up during the meeting.

Suggestions, questions, proposals with regard to the upcoming F2F? Please let me know.

I will send another mail to the list when the meeting registration is open.


-Anssi (WG chair)

Received on Monday, 2 March 2015 14:31:51 UTC