[presentation-api] Remove getAvailability() url argument unless implemented

foolip has just created a new issue for 

== Remove getAvailability() url argument unless implemented ==
This method was mentioned in 

> The group notes that a generic true/false is not enough in many 
> situations where the URL to present may require additional 
> That is the reason why the "getAvailability" function takes the URL 
> present as parameter, to allow the user agent to filter screens.

As actually implemented in Blink, the method takes an argument but 
it's never used. Unless there is an implementation that intends to do 
something with the argument, it would be better to not have it. 
Otherwise there will be no way to feature detect when it's *actually* 
supported, as `Presentation.prototype.getAvailability.length` will 
already be 1.

Slightly off-topic, it's not clear to me what could actually be done 
with just a URL. Presumably one would have to actually try to load the
 URL, make a guess about what features it needs to render, and then 
match that against the capabilities of the platform?

See https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/138

Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 12:15:27 UTC