Re: [presentation-api] PresentationSession should have stream interfaces!

> Reader Loop

There's a couple major ways in which you get benefits:

1. You can call read() at any time in your program, without fear of 
losing messages. Whereas, if you attach an onmessage handler too late,
 you lose data.
2. The lack of read() call, e.g. if the client is overloaded and 
cannot process data immediately, can be used as a backpressure signal,
 to stop producing so much data. I'm not sure this is applicable in 
the cases you mention, but it's part of the generic framework. (Maybe 
it would be useful to let the other side of the presentation know that
 its commands are not being processed in a timely fashion? It's 
generally applicable for any async processing of commands.)

More relevantly for your question though, you can just do

session.readable.pipeTo(new WritableStream({ write: handleMessage }));

as a starting point, with the potential for further customization 
(e.g. processing close signals or applying custom backpressure 
strategies) by adding more options to the writable stream constructor.

> Chunk types

> How are pipes and chunks typed, i.e. how do I know that a 
reader/writer will accept the type of data produced by the other?

A writable stream will usually error if fed an incompatible chunk 

> Specifically, the types accepted by the PresentationSession are 
chosen to be serializable. How do we limit the readers and writers 

For the readable side, it's easy: just only produce serializable chunk

For the writable side, you would error if given an incompatible chunk 

> Also, how does the reader recover the type of data sent by the 

I don't think I fully understand the question...

> Promise semantics

The semantics of the write() promise are entirely up to the creator of
 the writable stream. In general it does not signal a guarantee of 
delivery, but it may be useful for communicating immediately-known 
errors (e.g., the file handle has been closed). Or you could just have
 it always fulfill immediately.

> Must the writer wait until the previous promise has resolved before 
sending another chunk?

Nope! It automatically gets queued. You can call write() many times in
 quick succession.

> It looks like queueing is part of the definition so writes can be 
pipelined. So are there N pending promises for N chunks in the queue?

Yes, although if you decide to implement your writable stream so that 
it processes all writes immediately, the queue won't really 

> Queueing

So, yeah, the idea of streams is to provide an interface that exposes 
more directly the backpressure signals and queuing that is already 
presumably happening in your implementation. Either automatically, as 
happens with pipeTo(), or manually, if the developer does a manual 
read() loop or consults the writable stream's backpressure signals. As
 such I don't think you'd want to provide another layer---you'd just 
more directly expose the layer you already have. I'd be interested in 
digging more into your thoughts here, especially as the design of 
writable streams is still shaping up.

GitHub Notif of comment by domenic

Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 21:28:05 UTC