Re: [sdw] Notation-3 and rule direction (#1442)

we may re-cast the N3 rule as:
    ?T1 a time:ProperInterval ; time:hasBeginning ?B1 ; time:hasEnd ?E1 .
    ?T2 a time:ProperInterval ; time:hasBeginning ?B2 ; time:hasEnd ?E2 .
    ?T1 time:intervalStarts ?T2 .
    ?B1 time:equals ?B2 . 
    ?E1 time:before ?E2 .
} .
and maybe there are use cases in which such a rule would be useful.

Still, it would be interesting to know whether the other rule is correct wrt the semantics of OWL-Time. I guess it is since it derives all the axioms in the test suite, but I'm asking here just to be sure

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