Re: [sdw] Noting that the Spatial data on the Web working group may not exist in a few months time... (#1436)

@situx proj4rdf is a strong starting point, of which I haven't heard before. Intuitively, the easiest path would be to derive a web ontology from the CRS domain model underpinning WKT (or GML). That path would also make it easy for programmes like PROJ to adopt a RDF syntax. I am on board to work further on this.

But I see a more elementary issue with the bundling of the CRS with the geometry itself in GeoSPARQL. A CRS object property with `Feature` and `FeatureCollection` as domains would be more logical and easier to use. Forgive if this was already discussed in the context of version 1.1.

@prushforth A CRS web ontology and a CRS registrar are different topics. Although the latter is certainly important, it is far from being the ultimate goal of a web ontology. 

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