Re: [sdw] Noting that the Spatial data on the Web working group may not exist in a few months time... (#1436)

The last meeting was 14th September 2023. We announced that we wanted to meet to discuss the expiration of the charter and ways forward. There was little attendance at the meeting, but at least representatives from OGC and W3C staff were there. 

In W3C to create / continue a group you have to make a case there's interesting stuff to work on AND enough interest. Options that were mentioned were: 
- extend the charter (for a maximum of 6 months, W3C won't authorize a longer extension) and try to get the SOSA work done in 6 months - we'd still have to find a solution for any other work afterwards.
- recharter as a joint group - but we noted that this feels unlikely given the number of people in attendance (not only at that particular session - attendance has been structurally low)
- use the OGC/ISO Joint Advisory Group model for cross org publication + small number of invited experts. This will work from OGC perspective.

@bert-github said he would talk to W3C staff about an extension for the time being, and @ogcscotts and @rob-metalinkage would talk to W3C about the way forward beyond that. But, as far as I know there haven't been significant developments yet. 

That said - while we wait, we can continue the work as if the group was still active. We should get the extension and still be able to publish work through W3C, for the time being. 

Meanwhile if people feel there's more work to do, it would help if they make their case - but it would help even more if they can show interest (i.e. show we'd have active group members going forward) and leadership (e.g. someone willing and able to chair would also make a difference). 

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