Re: [sdw] iso 19156 URIs vs SSN/SOSA URIs (#1372)

@rob-metalinkage counter-question - what would be the time scale on updating SOSA/SSN with the new topics that evolved under 19156?

I'm definitely against creating yet-another-standard, but worry what waiting on SOSA/SSN updates will imply for our time-schedule creating an OMS encoding (we had planned on commencing this work once we've finalized the ISO text end of this month). Alternatively, we're also considering mapping OMS to the concepts [CreateAction]( and/or [Observation]( 

Ideally it wouldn't matter which of these concepts we align to if they're all aligned with each other - brings me back to my old question if there's any way of aligning SOSA/SSN with in a machine actionable manner? From what I've picked up, SEO focuses on, so worry if we nicely align to SOSA/SSN, we'll never be found again! ;) 

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