Re: [sdw] iso 19156 URIs vs SSN/SOSA URIs (#1372)

Cool thread! Some thoughts:

@PeterParslow : On, to my understanding, Geolexica is a vocabulary extracted from the Terminology sections of the various TC211 standards. When reworking 19156 I remember there initially being issues in having definitions aligned with classes, reached the agreement with Reese that we keep the text parallel between the definition in the Terminology section and the requirement defining the class, but as this was a point of discussion, assuming currently no clear practice on this. Also, not all classes defined in 19156 even have a definition, so not sure if this approach currently works

@rob-metalinkage : This is reminding me we really need to restart the work on generating OMS for the OGC Modspec encoding. I've been thinking on using this as the source reference for a JSON-LD version of the OMS encoding as each OMS class has a corresponding RequirementsClass (with the parallel text to the definition as described above)

Think the modspec approach would also be in line with the "SMART" idea mentioned by Peter

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