FW: [schemaorg/schemaorg] GeoShape's box specification is unclear on the expected order of the points (#1538)

Note this discussion over at Schema.org

From: Mark Harrison <notifications@github.com>
Sent: Thursday, 17 February, 2022 00:48
To: schemaorg/schemaorg <schemaorg@noreply.github.com>
Cc: Subscribed <subscribed@noreply.github.com>
Subject: Re: [schemaorg/schemaorg] GeoShape's box specification is unclear on the expected order of the points (#1538)

It would be really helpful if at least one real-world example can be included for

  *   https://schema.org/polygon

  *   https://schema.org/circle

  *   https://schema.org/line

  *   https://schema.org/box

so that there is no ambiguity about

  1.  the expected format of the text string
  2.  whether latitude appears before longitude (noting that GeoJSON puts longitude before latitude)
  3.  whether elevation is included in the string
  4.  which delimiter is used between latitude and longitude (and elevation if present) - is that a space or a comma?
  5.  which delimiter is used between points - is that a space or a comma?

Without such worked examples, such properties are effectively unusable to many people because the specification is insufficient.

Thanks to @rcoup<https://github.com/rcoup> for the pointer to https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/dataset#space it looks like the answers are

  1.  "lat long lat long lat long ..."
  2.  latitude before longitude in all string values for schema.org/GeoShape properties
  3.  elevation is excluded from such strings
  4.  space between latitude and longitude
  5.  space between points

I would be happy to develop examples and submit a pull request.

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