RE: TIME functions - reviews and requests

Underlying all the ops will be a fundamental op to determine the order of two temporal positions. For the XSD temporal types this must be already available as a function or library.

TBQH OWL-Time provides too many other options for encoding the positions of time-instants.
RDF/RDFS/OWL should not be about encoding, it should be about logic.
But our hands were tied by backward compatibility requirements, so it all got carried over from the 2006 note.

If I were to do it again I would deprecate the `DateTimeDescription` class.
Since RDF adopted the XSD time encodings, then that is enough.
And then I would probably move the `GeneralDateTimeDescription` into a separate module – since that is the place where the non-Gregorian dates are supported.

So for the purposes of a processing library I suggest the highest priority should go to

  1.  Implementing all the interval relations, and if possible the generalized relations presented in

  2.  Start by only supporting the `inXSD*` properties for temporal position.  Then wait for the market to ask for the others …


From: Little, Chris <>
Sent: Friday, 15 October, 2021 05:17
To: Nicholas Car <>;
Cc: Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) <>
Subject: RE: TIME functions - reviews and requests

Dear Nicholas,

Apart from the spelling of ’stript’, the only question that I have is how much of the old OWL-Time (2006) should be supported. You could support everything, but that may encourage unwanted inappropriate legacy approaches. I suggest Simon is probably better placed to offer a useful opinion.

Similarly, I suppose you have a choice as to which various ‘convenience’ fucntions to support, but perhaps only experience will tell what will be good practice.

HTH, Chris

From: Nicholas Car <<>>
Sent: 10 September 2021 03:06
Subject: TIME functions - reviews and requests

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GeoSPARQL defines both ontology elements (classes and properties) and also SPARQL extension functions to calculate contains etc.

OWL Time defines ontology elements only.

I have prepared a SPARQL extensions functions library for OWL Time implemented in Python's rdflib:
·         PyPI package:

·         GitHub source code:

I would be interested in any reviews and also in any requests/suggestions for functions yet to be implemented. There is no clear fixed set of time functions that could be implemented for we can surpass functions corresponding to pairwise object tests of Allen relations by including functions that might do things like determine what the Allen relationship is between two objects.

Once the function set is completed, I will re-implement the functions in Jena too.



Dr Nicholas Car
Data Systems Architect
Connected Knowledge

0477 560 177
Level 9, Nishi Building, 2 Phillip Law Street, Canberra 2601, Australia

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Dr Nicholas Car
Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Research School of Computer Science

The Australian National University,
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+61 477 560 177<><>

Received on Friday, 15 October 2021 07:35:07 UTC