RE: Agenda items for SDWIG this Thursday 7th of January 2021

Hi Linda, all,

Best wishes for 2021!

I was wondering if we might have a conversation about Best practice 12 - convenience APIs.  I was going to raise an issue, but it might be better to explain what my idea is before doing that, so as to get person to person feedback.

Basically it's this: maps on the Web are a new thing, compared with some of the standards for spatial information, such as CRS definitions, feature services and others.

When I look at CRS definitions, they don't have any definition of scale, or resolution.  I think this may be a hold-over from the GIS era, where metadata and data were simultaneously available on the client, so that data could be rendered at any scale, transparently.  In any case, I think it might be convenient to define a set of known or recommended scale sets to be associated to a CRS, in a similar way that WMTS does.  This way, services such as feature services and so on, would be able to rely on known scale sets from the CRS definition.  Further, having a scale set built into a CRS definition would push service standards to consider how to best transmit the required scale / resolution over the Web in their definition.

My question is: is this possible? Reasonable?  What are the constraints on such a proposal?  Could this be requested of the OGC community if the SDW thinks it worthy of consideration?

Thank you,


Peter Rushforth
Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation

From: Linda van den Brink <>
Sent: January 4, 2021 05:20
To: Clara Boyd <>;;;; Joseph Abhayaratna <>
Cc: public-sdwig <>
Subject: Agenda items for SDWIG this Thursday 7th of January 2021

Hi all,

First of all the best wishes for 2021!

I'm sure most of you are just getting started again and have a pile of email to get through! I just wanted to ask of you have any agenda items for the SDWIG this Thursday.

In a separate email, I already asked Ed/Jo for an update on the responsible use of spatial data Note, of which they want to publish the first draft very soon. Ed or Jo can you confirm?

Clara can you give an update on SDWBP work?

Suggestions from other group members for the agenda are also welcome.

Last month we had a joint call with the Web of Things group, this will be followed up in a separate meeting I expect. I could give a short recap if people want.


Received on Monday, 4 January 2021 21:24:09 UTC