W3C Automotive and Transportation remote meetings next week

The W3C Automotive Working Group and relaunching related Business Group
that is widening its focus to broader transportation data space were
going to hold its next f2f meeting in Toronto next week, 23-26 March.

Instead it will be a remote meeting over those four days, note hour
ranges deviate somewhat by day based on participants availability
surveyed earlier.



The intent is to coordinate with SDWIG in a number of ways including a
Transportation Ontology Coordination Committee including individuals
from OGC, ISO ITS and SmartCities, W3C Auto activity and elsewhere. The
recent routing ontology/api work at OGC of interest.


Automotive and Transportation Business Group's draft recharter


If you're inclined to attend as observer or participant based on your
involvement with W3C, kindly register and I will be sure to relay the
teleconference coordinates.


Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2020 16:59:56 UTC