Re: [sdw] Correct non-english labels in OWL-Time RDF representation (#1181)

Hi, I’ve been tagged in a few comments on language-related GitHub repos lately. This isn’t a big deal, I just wanted to say hello and gently request that you avoid tagging me unless you’re actually inviting me to participate.

If it’s not too much trouble, could you try to use backticks here in comments to mark code snippets? That will avoid triggering GitHub’s username detection.

For example, you could write


instead of


And you could write 


instead of 


Then it would end up looking like this:

rdf:type :TemporalUnit ;
rdfs:label "Year (unit of temporal duration)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "1 년"@kr ;
skos:prefLabel "一年"@ja ;
skos:prefLabel "Jahr"@de ;
skos:prefLabel "rok"@pl

And it wouldn’t send me an email when you write `@kr`. Thanks! 😄 

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Received on Thursday, 2 July 2020 07:17:48 UTC