- From: Francois Daoust <fd@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2018 22:16:44 +0100
- To: <public-sdwig@w3.org>
Hi all, The minutes of today's plenary call are available at: https://www.w3.org/2018/03/14-sdw-minutes.html ... and copied as raw text below. In the funnel, we agreed to move WebVMT from Exploration to Investigation, and to label the Linked Building Data issue with a "geospatial" tag. Thanks, Francois. ----- Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group Call 14 March 2018 [2]Agenda [3]IRC log [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2018Mar/0008.html [3] https://www.w3.org/2018/03/14-sdw-irc Attendees Present Bill Roberts, Chris Little, Francois Daoust, Jeremy Tandy, Linda van den Brink, Michael Gordon, Rob Smith Regrets Andrea Perego, Hugo Ledoux, Joseph Abhayaratna, Peter Rushforth, Scott Simmons Chair Jeremy, Linda Scribe Francois Contents * [4]Meeting Minutes 1. [5]Quick intro to the Strategy funnel 2. [6]Status review of Geospatial work items in the Strategy Funnel 3. [7]New funnel candidates 4. [8]Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices update 5. [9]Stats on the Web BP update 6. [10]SSN/SOSA ontology 7. [11]Other updates 8. [12]Date and time for the next plenary call * [13]Summary of Action Items * [14]Summary of Resolutions Meeting Minutes Quick intro to the Strategy funnel jtandy: Everybody here was at the F2F meeting so I don't think we need to do that. … There were a couple of actions that were outstanding … I'm guessing that we have the agreement from the W3C strategy group for us to use it this way tidoust: no disagreement to use the strategy funnel - we have the green light to proceed Status review of Geospatial work items in the Strategy Funnel [15]Geospatial strategy funnel [15] https://github.com/w3c/strategy/projects/2?card_filter_query=label:geospatial jtandy: At the moment, we have 3 items on the Strategy Funnel. … I'm assuming anyone can post an update to the GitHub issues? tidoust: That's correct, no need to go through me! jtandy: Rob, want to take us through a WebVMT update? RobSmith: First, I joined the IG, thanks for the invitation! That's temporary, 6 months, while we figure things out. … I prepared an explanatory specification, using ReSpec, now posted to the GitHub repository with Francois's help. … That's the focal point to capture requirements. … I welcome any constructive feedback on that. [16]WebVMT Explainer [16] https://w3c.github.io/sdw/proposals/geotagging/webvmt/ RobSmith: 3 parts to explain the thoughts behind it, some use cases and some examples of its syntax. It's a first draft, to be expanded. … I added a section with thoughts on future features that I'm thinking about. jtandy: I remember we mentioned getting more folks involved in your project. Go Pro and other camera makers were mentioned. Any progress? RobSmith: Firstly, thanks to Chris for suggesting points of contacts. I've been in touch with OGC group focused on drones. Don Sullivan(?), chair of the group, has invited me to give a presentation at the Orleans meeting, which I'll do remotely. … Tuesday morning should be when the meeting happens jtandy: Chris, can you act as Rob's proxy if needed? ChrisLittle: Not sure, a bit overloaded next week, Rob should be in the good hands of Don. brinkwoman: Name of the group? RobSmith: Unmanned Systems. brinkwoman: OK, maybe I'll be able to attend, not sure that will be possible. RobSmith: Also contacted Christine Perey. Waiting for a response. jtandy: Let us know if there are more introductions that you need and that we could help with. RobSmith: Also tried to get in touch with the BBC. tidoust: Happy to make introductions at BBC. Very active W3C members in media. Can put you in touch with Chris Needham, their AC rep. RobSmith: Thanks! … About the status of the issue in the funnel, I suspect it can move forward to "investigation" jtandy: I agree. Shall we have a little vote among ourselves? PROPOSED: Move WebVMT from Exploration to Investigation <ChrisLittle> +1 <MichaelGordon> +1 <tidoust> +1 <RobSmith> +1 <brinkwoman> +1 <jtandy> +1 Resolved: Move WebVMT from Exploration to Investigation jtandy: One of the things we agreed to do is to keep the OAB at OGC when we move stuff around in the funnel. Chris, could you do that? ChrisLittle: Sure! Action: Chris Little to ping OAB about WebVMT move from Exploration to Investigation in the funnel <trackbot> Created ACTION-386 - Little to ping oab about webvmt move from Exploration to investigation in the funnel [on Chris Little - due 2018-03-21]. ChrisLittle: I had a quick look at the document. First thing that came to mind is that you have a simple timestamp. And at some point in the process, you're going to tie it to some real time, or to the camera time. … Calendars and Coordinate Reference System should be clear. … IETF RFC 3339 is the format for timestamps. That's what you see in most logs. … What you can't do, is take two numbers and substract them to get a duration. You may get one, but it may be wrong. Because of leap seconds. RobSmith: That seems beyond the scope of this work. ChrisLittle: But this should be specified. RobSmith: Right. The reason I say it is out of scope is that the timestamp in cues are relative to the start of the film. Taken from WebVTT. ChrisLittle: You may still want to explain in the document how that relates to other timestamps. RobSmith: Something else I've been looking at is Youtube integration. It's something I mentioned en passant. I think it's possible with the current tech. jtandy: I believe Google is a W3C Member tidoust: They sure are! … I can probably put you in touch with someone somewhat close to the Youtube team. RobSmith: Thanks! jtandy: OK, moving to MapML then … I just had a look in the funnel. Nothing there. … I guess that's a no update [17]Discussion on layers in MapML and MapML semantics [17] https://github.com/Maps4HTML/MapML/issues/10 tidoust: Just to mention that I'm exchanging with Peter on a specific topic and more broadly on the semantics that MapML are trying to expose jtandy: Right, I recall that our concern is to understand how MapML is better than what we have today, so that we may sell it. RobSmith: I recall mentioning that the absence of use cases does not help. It might be worth pressing Peter on that. <jtandy> “Sell it” = convince people of the idea jtandy: OK, any other comment on MapML? … Moving to CityJSON then … Quick look at the funnel and no update either. tidoust: I had a talk with Hugo to crystalize what we said during the F2F. ChrisLittle: Just wondering whether Hugo will be at Orleans. OGC CityGML people are willing to discuss <brinkwoman> [18]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ public-sdwig/2018Mar/0037.html [18] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2018Mar/0037.html brinkwoman: I don't expect Hugo to be at Orleans. His boss will probably be there though. Hugo did send an email to the mailing-list a few days ago, see previous URL. brinkwoman: Hugo will start to find a core set of participants. He has some ideas there. Second thing is he'll continue to use the GitHub repository of CityJSON MichaelGordon: I had a good discussion with Carsten Roensdorf from OGC. CityGML folks are eager to engage and look at JSON encodings. … I think it'd be a case to encourage Hugo to engage in discussions back there. jtandy: Thank you for the update, Michael ChrisLittle: Tomorrow, there's an OGC EU innovation meeting at the Geovation center. Will report on Testbed 13 outcomes, with some parts that could be useful for Hugo. … Don't have a link now. I may manage to get there. New funnel candidates jtandy: Chris, you identified a couple <MichaelGordon> [19]http://www.opengeospatial.org/EuropeT13demo [19] http://www.opengeospatial.org/EuropeT13demo ChrisLittle: Yes. Temporal ontologies, and CovJSON. … Didn't receive any feedback. First led me to find an error in the Time Ontology, now being processed as an erratum. jtandy: You can add those to Exploration in the funnel. ChrisLittle: Don't know how to do that yet, but will try. jtandy: Feel free to ping Francois if you need help [20]Linked Building Data [20] https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/94 Francois: The Linked Building Data CG is looking at BIM. Already in the funnel but not with a Geospatial label yet. … They got in touch with me some time ago, I believe Maxime is active in the CG as well. Could be interesting to ask them to present in the IG. jtandy: Fine with me to put a Geospatial label to keep track of it! tidoust: OK, done! jtandy: Thinking about map accessibility too, who leads that? brinkwoman: Follows from discussion we had with Michael Cooper from accessibility team at TPAC with Francois. … Seems interesting, but no update. jtandy: If the person you're talking to is not pushing, then it's not urgent from his perspective. brinkwoman: And I was the one who raised it tidoust: I pinged Michael, no response so far. I was more thinking that this could be one angle to MapML in practice. Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices update <MichaelGordon> [21]https://github.com/w3c/sdw/blob/ MichaelGordon-patch-2/bp/BP-in-practice.md [21] https://github.com/w3c/sdw/blob/MichaelGordon-patch-2/bp/BP-in-practice.md MichaelGordon: Following the F2F, I started to compile a list of practices of our best practices … In addition, last week, OGC hosted a WFS 3 hackathon. We sent a bunch of people. Given the influence of best practices there, I'm anticipating being able to pull out some examples of usage. jtandy: Any help that you're expecting to need between now and next plenary call? <ChrisLittle> Also OGC Testbed-13 & Innovation Program Day tomorrow in London [22]https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ ogc-testbed-13-innovation-program-day-tickets-43846638476 [22] https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ogc-testbed-13-innovation-program-day-tickets-43846638476 MichaelGordon: I don't think so. Looking at ways to further the list in the next BP call. Stats on the Web BP update billroberts: Not much to report on this since Amersfoort. … Plan is to build on the point that Andrea Perego made to look into Data on the Web Best Practices and see how they would apply to Statistical data on the Web. … Expecting to discuss that in the next stats call. … Don't need any specific help from the group as a whole. [side discussion on the timing of the next stats on the Web call, in 2 weeks from now to avoid collision with OGC meeting in Orleans] SSN/SOSA ontology jtandy: We don't have anyone on the call working on this. Simon sent a link to his proposed SSN Extensions spec. ChrisLittle: There is a lot of stuff going on GitHub. … Perhaps it's a symptom that the spec was published too early. tidoust: There's some truth in that, for sure. Most of the traffic is about minor typos in examples. I believe it's good to have examples in spec, although it's often hard to get them right. No big deal to list errata, and good thing to have people notice these typos, that proves the spec is being read! Other updates RobSmith: I'm interested in moving objects. I suspect it will be related to WebVMT in some way. ChrisLittle: You could look at the OGC standard, which should be on the portal. … Very simple. Based on the idea that there is a trajectory. Objects are assumed to be solid. Therefore they can rotate. <MichaelGordon> [23]http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/ movingfeatures [23] http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/movingfeatures ChrisLittle: The reason it's simple is that Japanese want to apply it to millions of cars driving in Tokyo. … The other thing that they've done is a proposal to use the encoding of the abstract model in NetCDF jtandy: We're at the top of the hour. Any update to roadmap and next week's OGC meeting? brinkwoman: Nothing critical to report for the roadmap. Will report on the funnel next week. … Bill could maybe help me to give a presentation on the stats on the Web BP. billroberts: I have a bunch of slides on a random set of things, happy to share some. brinkwoman: Goal is to introduce the Stats on the Web BP activity Date and time for the next plenary call jtandy: I propose we move the discussion to the mailing-list <MichaelGordon> +1 <ChrisLittle> +1 Action: Jeremy Tandy to figure out the date and time of the next plenary call <trackbot> Created ACTION-387 - Tandy to figure out the date and time of the next plenary call [on Jeremy Tandy - due 2018-03-21]. jtandy: OK, no time to look at the Technology Trends today, but it's on the agenda. RobSmith: If people going to Orleans can take a photo of the meeting, so that I can advertise the meeting on social media, that would be great. Just to say that "we're making progress". brinkwoman: Will do. jtandy: Thanks all, call is adjourned. We'll talk again in about a month. Summary of Action Items 1. [24]Chris Little to ping OAB about WebVMT move from Exploration to Investigation in the funnel 2. [25]Jeremy Tandy to figure out the date and time of the next plenary call Summary of Resolutions 1. [26]Move WebVMT from Exploration to Investigation
Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2018 21:16:58 UTC