GitHub activity now reported to the mailing-list

Hello Spatial Data on the Web IG participants,

This group is using the GitHub repository and issue tracker more and more thoroughly. However, some of you may still not be very familiar with GitHub and/or may not be monitoring the repository on GitHub, which means some information may not manage to find the audience it was intended to address.
Following discussions with Linda and Jeremy, I enabled a notification tool that we maintain and run at W3C [1] on the GitHub repository of the Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group [2]. From now on, activity on GitHub will trigger a notification email to the mailing-list (for instance, the email that just arrived to the mailing-list is a notification that a commit was made by Bill).

The following activities will lead to a notification email:
- creating an issue
- commenting on an issue
- closing an issue
- creating a pull request
- general comments on a pull requests
- closing a pull request (whether it got merged or not)
- new commits pushed to the gh-pages branch

Please note that the notification tool is not perfect:
- it can send multiple emails for what seems to be an atomic operation on GitHub from time to time
- it cannot report on some activities such as "+1" reactions to comments, and inline comments in pull requests
- it is one way only, meaning that an email reply to a notification email about an issue won't add the reply to the corresponding issue on GitHub.

Hopefully, these notifications will help people track activity in the group. They can be disabled if not. Let me know if you have questions or suggestions to improve the usefulness of these messages.



Received on Monday, 22 January 2018 12:32:30 UTC