Re: getting started on the Stats on the Web Best Practices

Hi Bill,

Le 05/11/2017 à 18:19, Bill Roberts a écrit :

> I'd like to propose that we get started with the work straight away.  I 
> suggest that we have teleconferences once every two weeks.  With the 
> next plenary call scheduled for 29 November at 20:00 UTC, let's have our 
> first StatsBP call on 22 November, 20:00 UTC.  In the SDW working group, 
> that time seemed to work well in the northern hemisphere winter, 
> allowing people from US and Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand 
> all to take part at manageable times of day.
> Francois: would it be possible to set up the webex to be available at 
> that time?  Since we will avoid having a StatsBP call in the same week 
> as a plenary call, we could probably share the same call ID etc.

I created a new WebEx meeting for it, scheduled every two weeks starting 
on 22 November. Here is the info.

Meeting link:

Meeting number:
311 726 024

Phone number:

Meeting password:
Same as for the plenary calls. See member-only page:
... or get in touch with me ( if you cannot access that page.


Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2017 16:56:29 UTC