Re: F2F meetings 2018

I think option (1) looks better, partly because I think it would be good to
have the first meeting soon - Geonovum in Amersfoort sounds ideal to me.
And fair/preferable that it's not all in Europe, though having said that
I'm not sure I'd be able to go to the Fort Collins meeting.



On 13 December 2017 at 14:33, Linda van den Brink <
> wrote:

> Dear IG members,
> Before we all go off on holiday, let's do some planning for the next year.
> In 2018, we want to have at least two face to face meetings. The charter
> tells us to have at least one at an OGC meeting and one at a W3C meeting.
> Jeremy, Scott, Francois and I have come up with two options:
> 1)
> - One f2f in jan/feb, location tbd (I could host again at Geonovum, other
> offers welcome)
> - One at OGC TC 4-8 June at Fort Collins, Colorado
> - One at TPAC in Lyon in October.
> The advantage of this scenario is that not all f2f meetings are in Europe
> in this option. We add a meeting in Jan/Feb because otherwise we have to
> wait until June for our first f2f, which may slow our momentum.
> 2)
> - One at OGC TC in 19-23 March in Orleans
> - One at TPAC in Lyon in October
> The advantage is that we only have to travel two times for f2f meetings,
> and they're nicely distributed over the year. However, both are in Europe.
> Please let us know what you think about the timing and locations, and what
> the likelyhood is of your attendance!
> Linda

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2017 14:36:16 UTC